Articles Tagged 'Un' (Page 13)

Give Me Jesus: After

Christmas isn't over; it has only just begun if we recognize that it is our job, together, to be Jesus to the world!

Phil Ware finishes his series on "Give Me Jesus" focusing on our role as his people to be his presence to the world.

The Lord is Near: Shalom!

More than an absence of conflict, the Lord wants to give us life to the full!

Phil Ware finishes his six-part series on Paul's promises to the Philippians that the Lord is always near and God and the peace he brings will be with them.

The Lord is Near: Assurance

No matter what life, Satan, or circumstances suggest, we will never be forsaken by our God!

Phil Ware shares his message focused on Paul's promises that the Lord will always be near us, focusing on Jesus' promises to his early disciples and to us!

Hank and the Mop Bucket

Changing direction in life is not tragic. Losing passion in life is.

Max Lucado reminds us that God is not finished with us yet and still speaks to us.

The Mindset List

We're not built to resist the passage of time, any more than the grass and flowers in a meadow are.

Patrick Odum reminds us that everything changes, but what matters and what lasts is tied to our Father in Heaven.

Simple Words, Great Grace

Where would this woman be without a risk-taking faith that moved her to bold action?

Phil Ware reminds us that faith always involves action that demonstrates its reality and Jesus saves in more than the miraculous; he saves us in every way a person can be saved.

How Big Is Our Aquarium?

Why do we have to be the big fish in our small puddle?

Phil Ware looks through The Jesus Window and is led to ask a question of all of us: just how big is our aquarium, just how big is our Jesus?

To Benefit Them!

Preparing my mouth for marriage... and beyond!

Byron Ware reminds us of the vital importance of how we communicate both in the words we choose to say, not speak, and the non-verbals we use as we speak them.

Where Is the Love?

As followers of Jesus, it is my responsibility to speak and demonstrate the language of this authentic love.

Tom Norvell reminds us that as disciples of Jesus, our job is to bring the love of Jesus into every arena of life, even if the rest of the world has forgotten to do so.

God's Claim on You!

No matter what anyone else may say about you, you are precious to your Creator!

Max Lucado reminds us that we are precious to God and he has done everything he can to help us see that we are precious to the Creator of the universe.

A Tiny Seed, A Tiny Deed

Don't let your self-doubt rob God of His miraculous power through you!

Max Lucado reminds us that God uses tiny seeds and tiny deeds to make big things.

Loose Lug Nuts and the RagTag Band

Will we make the Lord's Table like Levi's table?

Phil Ware reminds us that we want to not only share in the Lord's Supper, but we also want our table to be like Levi's table of grace and friendship.

The Unspoken Source of Anxiety

How can we lay down this concrete block that weighs us down and sinks our lives?

Max Lucado talks about being released from the chains of guilt from the sin in the past and set free to live for God by grace.

Anger Lives in Sorrow's House

Underneath our grief lurks the monster of anger waiting to tear into us.

Max Lucado reminds us that sorrow can open the door for anger to overwhelm us because we cannot figure out why bad things happened, but we hold onto the reality that God is good.


We rejoice in the grace so lavishly given us in Jesus by obeying the Lord.

Phil Ware concludes his six-part series on the man with leprosy that Jesus heals (Mark 1:35-45) and how we can learn to impact the lives of others as Jesus did.

Not All Who Lose Are Losers

Sometimes the scoreboard only reveals the game's outcome, not the winners and losers!

Phillip Morrison reminds us that not all who lose are losers, in fact, the greatest victor of all could have been called a loser before he won the greatest victory of all time.

He Did It for You!

Why would Jesus face all that he faced when He could have stopped it with a word?

Max Lucado reminds us of the gift Jesus gives us with the cross and resurrection.


Take a look at what Jesus did and feel the call to do it, too!

Phil Ware begins an 8-part series on discipleship and following Jesus in caring for the hurt people of the world.

A Word for Misfits

Can God really use someone like me?

Max Lucado writes about Samuel's anointing David king of Israel and reminds us that God uses all sorts of misfits.

Connecting People of Other Cultures with Jesus

Are we willing to take the risk and reach outside our comfort zones to connect people with Jesus?

Phil Ware continues his series on "The Andrew Effect" and connecting people with Jesus.

Connecting Those Who Want to Help with Jesus

In a world of so much hurt and so much need, are we going to remain paralyzed to help because of a lack of faith?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Andrew Effect focusing this week on bringing those who want to help others in need to Jesus and connecting them and their resources to the Lord.

One Another

We were not made to do life alone.

This is a collection of "one another" passages in the New Testament, and primarily from Paul, that speaks about life together.

A Caution about Criticism

Some criticism isn't helpful, it is withering, so how do we deal with it?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that unfair criticism is a part of life so we need to rely on our relationship with God to overcome it and we need to not ever become one of those kinds of criticizers.

Never Be Afraid to Listen!

when we’re looking for a brave way to heal our relationships, our hearts & the internet!

Ann Voskamp reminds us that there is no harm in just listening, and there can be great healing and hope and transformation.

Go Fast!

Life does 'go fast' so make the moments count and live for your grandchildren to pass on faith!

Phil Ware talks about his NASCAR Experience and his father and passing on faith to future generations.