Articles Tagged 'Un' (Page 18)

Discovering the Character of Your Church: Values & Integrity

How do we handle our values with integrity in the life of our congregation?

Greg Anderson reminds us why values are so important and how we must live out of our values with integrity.

Real People, Real Family

So how do we get real about the church?

Phil Ware continues his series from Matthew on God's presence in Jesus and this week talks about church as family, not community.

Challenge the Status Quo and Live a generous Life

So how do I keep the status quo from getting in the way of my generosity?

Rick Brown reminds us that we are called to challenge the status quo like Jesus did and turn our values, our world, upside down and bring the life of the Kingdom the way that God wants.

Blessed Assurance

Where is your certainty found?

Phillip Morrison reminds us that our assurance is based on what God does and has done in Jesus, not what we can accomplish for God!

Beyond the sacred Page

How can Jesus be real to me and not just someone I read about on the pages of the Bible?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Yearning, our need and desire and longing for Jesus to be real to us and close to us and experienceable in our daily lives.

When Nobody Was Looking

What would you have done?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that there are honest athletes and football players.

Seven Tips to Being an awesome Husband

Really, do these actually work and can I actually do them?

Joe Beam reminds us about how to be a good and effective husband who becomes awesome in the eyes of his wife.

God's Redeeming Love!

We must never forget God's most consistent message to each of us!

Brian McCutchen reminds us that God's love is redeeming -- it forgives, cleanses, makes whole, and buys us back from our messes and lifts us from our burdens.

Yearning for the Presence

Why do we settle for so much less than the real thing?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages about Immanuel, God with us, The Presence, in our lives that we yearn, ache, thirst for.

It All Begins with...

Why are we so afraid to do what God makes clear is our next step?

Phil Ware completes his two article series on being strong and courageous and being ready to see God do great things among us.

Where Is Your Olive Oil?

Where do you go when you don't think you have enough?

Robyn F. Johnson shares the story of the widow and Elisha in 2 Kings 4, and she reminds us that God cares for us and provides for us, we just need to look for our little vial of olive oil and offer it to him.

Strong and Courageous?

Is there something that can move us beyond being frozen in fear?

Phil Ware reminds us that Joshua 1 and God's famous charge to Joshua to be strong and courageous is as much a promise and faithfulness from God as it is commitment and trust from us.

Talk Less Hug More

Why not forget winning arguments and win the heart?

Ron Rose talks about his adopted granddaughter, Halle Grace, a Russian lifeguard and Halle's desire to hug and be hugged.

WOOHOO! Let's Do this Thing!

Is your life a little short on the adventure scale? Then come along and follow Jesus!

Lisa Mikitarian reminds us that life with the Lord really is an adventure because when we love him and are called according to his purposes then he works in our life through adventure to bless us and bring him glory.

So Glad God Doesn't Require a Smartphone

Which smartphone does God require of us?

Max Lucado reminds us that we don't have to know how to use a smartphone to talk with the Creator of the universe who also happens to be our ABBA Father.


If you are willing and able, Jesus can make you clean?

Patrick Odum reminds us that Jesus majors is making the unclean clean and taking the outcast and bringing them back home into community.

The Personal Touch

More than a miracle worker, Jesus is the touch of God.

Phil Ware continues his series on out of the box and reminds us that Jesus is God made touchable and personal: more than a miracle worker, Jesus is the personal care of God for people in their deepest needs.

When Did God Change?

Is it me, or has God changed his opinion on grace?

Brian McCutchen talks about the night he was baptized and the fear he felt and his desire to know he was going to heaven and now he is assured of those things because he understands God's grace.

Why Faith Is an Answer to Prayer and Prayer Is an Answer to Faith

How is faith an answer to prayer?

Ann Voskamp reminds us that faith and prayer are a two street and the both are intertwined with each other and when this happens, grace, joy, and healing flow into Shalom, peace, wholeness and fullness of life.

What's Keeping You from Joining the Party

Have you missed the story about the other son?

Rick Brown writes about the prodigal son parable and reminds us that there are two sons who are lost and need to come home to the heart of the father and join the party he longs to throw for both of them!

Independence Day

How are we supposed to feel about all of this?

Phil Ware shares some thoughts about Independence Day, July 4, 2013, and what it means and should call us to do in our time and our situation in today's world.

Meeting God Outside the Box!

Where can we go and meet God?

Phil Ware continues his series on Out of the Box and Luke 8 and Luke 9 and the limiting expectations we have for encountering and meeting God.

Taste of Grace, Glimpse of Glory

Where can you actually see and taste a little bit of heaven?

Phil Ware writes about a group of young men and young women interning in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and the cultural and racial melting pot that is the church.

Customer Service in a 'Yes!' Church?

How are we doing with our connection with those who are not one of us and are interested in us?

Greg Anderson shares the third in a series of articles from Interim Ministry Partners on greeting guests and welcoming others into our midst.

Love and Fear

Do we run toward God or run from him?

We don't have to live in fear of God, waiting for him to zap us when we make a mistake. Yes, our God is a just God who will punish sin. But for those of us who seek him, who enter into a relationship with him, he is merciful and good. His love frees us fr