Articles Tagged 'Un' (Page 25)

Which Holiday Is This?

It's easy to get confused this time of year!

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the importance of remembering the real meaning of Thanksgiving.

Beyond the Clouds

Can you see beyond the storm clouds in your life

Tom Norvell talks about taking off in the pea soup of bad rainy weather and lifting up through the clouds and finding the sun and tying this all to our need to look beyond the clouds.

Lost and Found

Isn't it a blessing when you find what's been lost?!

Phil Ware tells about a time he lost his son Zachary and then found him and the joy of finding lost sheep in the teaching of Jesus.

Living Abundantly

Have you found it?

Tom Norvell talks about living life abundantly, with urgency, a recognition that life is short, and that we may only have the opportunity to do some things once.

What Good Is One Puzzle Piece?

Puzzle pieces need each other to do what they are designed to do.

Christians are designed to live in community.

I Never Dreamed It Could Be This Good ...

Life in Christ is better than you can imagine.

There is a life so much richer and fuller than most people can even imagine.

They Don't Know Me at My Gym...

Some people treat church like they do their health club.

Not using a health club membership will not get you in shape. It is the same with church membership.

Why God Permits Pain

I thought if I followed Jesus, He would take care of me?

Rubel Shelly discusses both the problem and the purpose of pain in the believer's life.

Unrestrained Joy

When's the last time you jumped up and down for joy?

Tom Norvell talks about a returning soldier being greeted by unrestrained joy by his wife and children and asked when was the last time you did that with God.

Strange Neighbors

Why would God place us in close proximity to these people?

Phil Ware talks about weird neighbors and who God has sent us to hear so we can lead them to Christ.

Grace Beyond the Miracle

How come we focus on the spectacle and miss the greater miracle?

Phil Ware talks about the events in the miracle stories that happen after the spectacle of the miracle takes place, the things that put people back into fellowship, community, and normalcy -- the way things were.

Social Networking

Staying connected can keep us apart

Online social networking websites make a promise of community that they can't keep. We need interaction with real people. The church consists of those kinds of relationships

Real Family

What happens when the crisis comes and you are 1000 miles from home?

Christianity is having a community of believers who care for you like family.

Do People Hear What Your Life Is Saying?

What is the major message of your life?

Russ Lawson reminds us of the importance of our letting our light shine in such a way that allows others to see God in your life.

Glue Lines and a Pink Lamp

How do you put a shattered life back together?

Phil Ware talks about a broken horse figurine and a shattered pink lamp and how God not only forgives, but also purifies us.

Family Unique: Fuel in the Family Tank

What is your family running on and what is it running toward?

Rick Brown reminded us that families run on values, so what are the values your family runs on?

Don't Abandon Optimism

What's there to feel good about?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that there is something positive about thinking with an optimistic spirit and believing things can get done and be better.

What Ever Happened to that Country?

I want to belong to a country that lasts forever.

The countries and powers of this world do not last. I want to belong to a kingdom that lasts forever. I do.

Family Unique: The Big Question

Do you have a plan for your family's road ahead?

Rick Brown writes in his family unique series about a family having a plan for what they are going to do and the key step in the plan is to decide how to finish the following, "As for me and my house we will ..."

Has It Passed?

Somethings are just more difficult than others, until we have what others have to endure.

Lisa Mikitarian reflects on the passing of her husband's kidney stone and is caught up in the pain of two more passings.

Just Part of the Job

A brain injury and a call for the maintenance man?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the real challenge is to be resourceful and take our meager resources and big challenges and put them in the hands of the Living God.

When Heroes Walk

Sometimes, it takes everything to just keep walking!

Phil Ware shares a message about hanging on and keeping on walking in the face of adversity, pain, hardship, and challenge.

David's First Giant

Why do we keep them at the kids table so long?

Phil Ware looks at the story of David and Goliath and challenges us to not keep our young believers away from risk, faith, and leadership.

No Minister?

Can a

Patrick Odum talks about how we are all called to be ministers and challenges us to imagine church lived that way.

Undo Send: What a Great Idea!

Don't you wish you could take back some things you've said?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of our need to restrain our urge to speak too quickly and compares that to a new gmail feature called undo send