Articles Tagged 'Un' (Page 29)


Are you too young to know it is impossible?

Tom Norvell Reminds us of the movie Amazing Grace and how William Pitt and Wilberforce did the impossible and overturned the slave trade in Great Britain and he calls on us to dream big dreams and do the impossible.

Can You Hear the Music?

Do you hear the sounds of God in the rush of the world?

Rubel Shelly talks about how Joshua Bell, a famous violin virtuoso played in a busy place and was ignored and uses this to remind us how much we miss in life because we are not listening.

The Golden Rule

What if the Golden Rule was enforced?

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets” (Mathew 7:12). This phrase of Jesus spoken during the Sermon on the Mount is referred to as the Golden Rule. I am curious how the world would

The Center of God's Will

Is this really a safe place?

Tom Norvell reminds us that the safest place is in the center of God's will and that means loving God and loving people.

God's Middle Name

Do you know God's middle name?

Russ Lawson reminds us that sometimes it takes a child to help us approach God personally and lovingly.

Radical Surgery

removing sin takes radical surgery

Removing sin from our lives demands radical, aggressive action.


When is a picture more than a picture?

Phil Ware shares his experience at a lunch between sponsors and their children in Kampala, Uganda.


Crossing Oceans to lend a helping hand?

Lisa Mikitarian shares about the Navy coming to the rescue of a 14 year old girl who needed surgery and then reminds us about how we can do the same thing through Compassion International.

Missed Opportunities

How many great opportunities have you missed?

Alan Smith reminds us that we must take every opportunity we can to follow the will of God.

Remember Grace

As much as I like to think my memory is strong and full of detail, there is so much that has slipped away.

I wish I was better at documenting my life. As much as I like to think my memory is strong and full of detail, there is so much that has slipped away. There are many solutions to this problem; some people are journal writers and have years of memorable

I Trust in Your Unfailing Love

Can you still hold on to trust?

Tom Norvell reminds us of the power of trusting God and putting our faith in his unfailing love.

Self-control and City Walls

Why is it so hard to control our own behavior?

Rubel Shelly talks about ancient cities and how they needed walls and how we need self-control today.

Come As You Are

One story that shows God’s desire to empower us is when Jesus took five small loaves of bread and two fish to feed a large crowd.

This is what constantly amazes me about the efficiency with which God is able to solve our problems. It's not that I have any doubt concerning his power to create solutions; it's just amazing that he completes His plans using us! God is a master at solv

Real Community

We all want to be part of real community.

It is possible to have a real connection in a community who will love and support each other.

I Did It for You!

Why would he go searching at such great risk?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of a hard story from last year about James Kim who risked everything to get help for his family, and he reminds us that Jesus did the same thing for us in leaving heaven.

Mary's Choice

How did you agree to this bargain?

Phil Ware talks about how powerful it is to look at the cost of freedom to identity of Mary Jesus' mother.

Avoid Sending SPAM!

Too often my prayers lack joy and gladness.

I wonder sometimes if God feels the same way about the messages I send. I think about my prayer life and how often I address the message to Him but seem to only talk about me.

It IS More Blessed!

Have you really experienced the joy of this truth?

Phil Ware describes an experience one of the middle school teachers at his church had while listening to a student talk about receiving presents from a cool church.

Ready to Vanish Away

Are you ready?

Alan Smith reminds us that we are all vanishing away, our bodies grow older and we face challenges, but understanding this and what it means to us is dependent upon our relationship with Christ.

Thanksgiving and Walking the Boundaries

So what can we do to bless our churches this next year as we thank God this year?

Larry Davies offers a Thanksgiving check up for churches and their leaders as he explores things that make for healthy churches.

Children on Thanksgiving

Bet you've never heard this take on the great date!

Alan Smith shares with us some children's definitions on how the first Thanksgiving happened and reminds us to have a blessed Thanksgiving.

Rest for the Weary

Where can we turn when we are worn out and discouraged?

Tom Norvell reminds us and prays for us to find rest from our weariness in the Lord.

Totally Present for Today with a Vision for Tomorrow

Can I be present in the moment and still have a hope for the future?

Michelle Howe warns women about worry and wishing that can rob them of the present moment and distort their vision of their future.

The Means to Growth

Does difficulty really lead to something better?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that difficuty can be an opportunity to grow and become more of a person.

God's Holy Spirit

The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

No matter what evil spirits are present in this life, we know that God has given us a spirit that is stronger than all others. The message of God to this world is that God’s Holy Spirit is the only spirit worth celebrating, even on Halloween.