Articles Tagged 'Understand'

What is CORE: Finishing

I remain convicted that these passages give us the CORE of what we must believe and practice as Jesus' disciples.

Phil Ware brings his series on 'What is CORE!' to a close, giving us a short summary to help us remember these three CORE passages and what they teach and call on us to do.

What is CORE: Finishing

I remain convicted that these passages give us the CORE of what we must believe and practice as Jesus' disciples.

Phil Ware brings his series on 'What is CORE!' to a close, giving us a short summary to help us remember these three CORE passages and what they teach and call on us to do.

It All Hinges on This

How can we know if our lives make a difference and truly matter?

Phil Ware helps us to better understand both Mark's message about where true life is found and also his outline and organization of his gospel around the hinges to the story provided by the stories of two blind men that Jesus heals.

The Spirit Opens Our Eyes to Truth

"I remember when that knowledge really hit me for the first time... that to get the whole truth, you have to have the Holy Spirit.'

Ron Rose reminds us that without the Holy Spirit alive in us, we have no guide to help us understand the Scriptures, much less God or Jesus or the holy plans and promises for us!

Finding Jesus' Heart for Ministry: Proof

Jesus asks us to trust him — not just for receiving our salvation, but also by obeying him in our daily lives.

Phil Ware concludes his six-part series on the man with leprosy that Jesus heals (Mark 1:35-45) and how we can learn to impact the lives of others as Jesus did.

What is CORE: Finishing

I remain convicted that these passages give us the CORE of what we must believe and practice as Jesus' disciples.

Phil Ware brings his series on 'What is CORE!' to a close, giving us a short summary to help us remember these three CORE passages and what they teach and call on us to do.

Using YouTube® To Reach More People (Really!)

If the goal is to reach people who don't know much or anything about you, your church, the Bible, or God, you must meet them at the point of the question.

Lee Wilson gives us practical advice, understanding, and techniques to use our online ministry more wisely.

It All Hinges on This

How can we know if our lives make a difference and truly matter?

Phil Ware helps us to better understand both Mark's message about where true life is found and also his outline and organization of his gospel around the hinges to the story provided by the stories of two blind men that Jesus heals.

Cruciformed #6: The Gamble

As Jesus journeyed into Jerusalem that last time, he had reached the point where he was going to gamble everything on the cross.

Phil Ware continues his series of insights on living the CRUCIFORMED life Jesus calls all disciples to live on his way to the cross.

Dear Husband, You're Worth It!

What happened last weekend felt hopeless and dark. But this weekend says it wasn’t.

Jordan Harrell captures the reality of the good times and challenging times in a marriage and what God is up to in all of it if we will keep on loving each other.

Anger Lives in Sorrow's House

Underneath our grief lurks the monster of anger waiting to tear into us.

Max Lucado reminds us that sorrow can open the door for anger to overwhelm us because we cannot figure out why bad things happened, but we hold onto the reality that God is good.


We rejoice in the grace so lavishly given us in Jesus by obeying the Lord.

Phil Ware concludes his six-part series on the man with leprosy that Jesus heals (Mark 1:35-45) and how we can learn to impact the lives of others as Jesus did.

Yogi and Red Trucks

Don't you have any of those red trucks to send?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the character who was Yogi Berra and reminds us that we need to be certain about our communication.

I Wonder What I Don't Get?

There's a lot the disciples missed about Jesus, I wonder what I am not getting?

Phil Ware thinks about the disciples not getting Jesus' repeated statements about going to Jerusalem, being rejected, being crucified, and being raised from the dead.

Rules for Building a Snowman?

So there are actually rules for this?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the keys to following Jesus by pulling our leg about a bunch of rules for building a snowman.

The Communication Illusion

So has communication really taken place?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the importance and fragile danger of communication in organizations, businesses, families, and churches because communication doesn't happen until someone hears and understands, not just when someone says something.

Seven Tips to Being an awesome Husband

Really, do these actually work and can I actually do them?

Joe Beam reminds us about how to be a good and effective husband who becomes awesome in the eyes of his wife.

When Did God Change?

Is it me, or has God changed his opinion on grace?

Brian McCutchen talks about the night he was baptized and the fear he felt and his desire to know he was going to heaven and now he is assured of those things because he understands God's grace.

Better to Not Assume

When we assume, well, let's just say things don't end so well.

Rubel Shelly reminds us to not assume and to be willing to ask questions and listen so we truly understand what is being said.

I Understand This

There are simply things I don't get!

Phil Ware continues his series on Sagrada Familia and the children of the Community and relates it this time to the words he prays in the Lord's Prayer.

From Son to Savior

How did Mary handle the transition of Jesus from her little boy to her Lord?

Phil Ware continues his series on Mary the mother of Jesus called Window to Wonder talking about the transition of Jesus from Mary's little boy to her Lord.

I Don't Understand the Bible

How is it possible to understand the Bible?

It is possible to understand the message of God in the Bible. It is Jesus.

My Dog Just Thinks He Understands Me

I no more understand God than my dog understands me.

It is not possible for us to understand the mind and ways of God. We are not on the same level. We are more like a Master and his dog.

Beyond Understanding

What do you do with what you cannot fully fathom?

Bill Sherrill comes along and gives us a reminder and a dose of humility so that we can understand that God is beyond our ability to comprehend.

Ready to Vanish Away

Are you ready?

Alan Smith reminds us that we are all vanishing away, our bodies grow older and we face challenges, but understanding this and what it means to us is dependent upon our relationship with Christ.