Articles Tagged 'Unity' (Page 3)

Learn to Be a Good Neighbor and Change Your Community!

What does it mean to be a good neighbor?

Rick Brown writes about a group of ministers and pastors in Denver who got together to try to bless their community by calling their people to be good neighbors.

I Felt so sorry for Them

I felt sorry for the people I saw at the hospital... but not the ones you think

I feel sorry for the people in hospital waiting rooms who sit alone.

An age old Answer to an ages old Question

Yes, you are your brother's keeper

From Cain to Jesus to Paul to us, we are responsible for each other. We are our brother's keeper. But, and this makes all the difference, we are to hold each other accountable to the teachings of Jesus as members of a family, wanting the best for each oth

Why Go?

Why spend the money, make the time, and take the risk?

Phil Ware finishes his series of reports on the trip to Sagrada Familia, The Community in Lima, Peru.

Did You Learn This in Sunday School?

How about this for the discovery of all life has for you?

Ron Rose talks about moving from waiting to tell the story to being the story in someone's life today.

Is Your Hospital Room Full?

Who is going to be with you the next time you, or someone you love, goes into the hospital?

In the most painful time of life, Christians are never alone. They have a community, a family to surround them and care for them.


All hotel rooms look alike

We were made to be in relationship with one another. We were made to be in relationship with God. In fact, God's plan is that we be adopted into His family.

Everything on the Line

What would you do in your last moments with those you love?

Phil Ware continues his series on the unpredictable Savior and reminds us of the upper room discourses where Jesus demonstrates and teaches what is most important to him to those who are most important to him, his disciples, his friends, those he loves.

Loving the Person Who Isn't 'One of Us'

Who do you believe is

Rubel Shelly writes about the serious subject of unity and division and the way we view and deal with those who are not one of us.

No Problema

With such an emotional tomorrow, can we stay focused on today?

Phil Ware continues his series on his trip to Sagrada Familia.


Who can you not wait to see?

Phil Ware continues to tell about his 2011 trip to The Community, Sagrada Familia in Lima, Peru.


Where's his voice calling you?

Phil Ware talks about the call of Abraham and the trip to The Community he and the team going there is about to embark upon.

Who Needs Church?

Are you sure you don't need church? Really?

You need to be part of a church ... and some church needs you.

Committed or Comfortable?

What do we need to get us to stretch out a bit?

Rick Brown talks about a famous photograph and the message to pray and have hope in the darkest of times, and to remember that fervent and earnest prayer is the kind of prayer the early church, the committed church prayed.

SBNR: Spiritual But Not Religious

Can you really be this in the real world?

Rubel Shelly tackles the myth that you can be spiritual without being a part of a religious community, at least as a Christian.


What does pure religion really look like?

Phil Ware continues his series connected to his blog about the his mission trip to Peru with his wife Donna and the children they touched.

Imperfect Love

What difference can my imperfect love make in a mountain of need?

Phil Ware writes about his trip to Sagrada Familia in Lima, Peru and how imperfect love can make a huge difference in the lives of children.

When a Book Isn’t Enough

God so loved the world that He didn't just send a book

God reveals Himself through relationships, through people. His Word was meant to be read in community.

I'm Not Very Good At ...

What a golf game taught me about the Christian journey.

The community of Christians has members with different spiritual competency. But because we are family, we can be family.

Daring to Take Risks!

Why do we not explore when there is so much to be discovered?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we need more risk takers and that there is still so much of the world to be explored.

I'll Take My Two Talents!

How much is enough?

Lisa Mikitarian talks about the parable of the talents and learning to focus on using what we have and not saying, "If only"

SpiritFire - Unity of the Spirit?

Why is unity such a big deal?

Phil Ware continues his series on SpiritFire and challenges us to look at the importance of the unity of the Spirit.

The Ties That Bind

You're invited!

Sports unite people who share the same loyalty. But an even greater bond is formed among those who share the same Lord.

Catch and Release: THE First Thing

Caught to be released into life, community, and purpose by the grace of God!

Phil Ware begins a series of articles on sharing Jesus in word and deed with others called Catch and Release and focusing on following Jesus.

It's the People, Not the Presents ...

The best Christmas memories have nothing to do with what you get.

The best part of Christmas is not the presents, but the people.