Unity is found in Christ.
06/29/2005 by Dr. Jerry Taylor
A fire burned down a church building but rebuilt a church.
05/12/2005 by Joe Bagby
Sometimes differences aren't as large as they appear in the big scheme of things.
05/01/2005 by Mike Cope
Church must be more than a gathering of strangers, there must be genuine and real community and fellowship.
04/11/2005 by Phil Ware
We are all in a battle for survivor, but God can help us through.
04/01/2005 by Alan Smith
Learning to recognize harmony in the diversity around us is a great gift -- the gift of real music.
03/13/2005 by Joey Cope
God has extended an invitation to you, have you accepted?
10/01/2004 by Alan Smith
If we wait too long for the right opportunity to come along, we'll miss our chance to serve, bless, and help!
06/04/2004 by Alan Smith
If you can breathe today, you've been given another day and another second chance at going God's will right!
04/16/2004 by Alan Smith
So often we cover the signs of God's grace in us with our own pettiness and sinfulness.
03/01/2004 by Phil Ware
No matter how much we love our family, we can't protect them all the time or fix their every problem; we have to trust God to work in their lives what is best for them and to take care of them.
12/28/2003 by Janice Price
We can't share our faith because we've lost the commitment to memorize and know God's Word.
11/05/2003 by Dave Cook