Articles Tagged 'Us' (Page 23)

Trust God to Lead

Why do we worry about what lies ahead when we know the One Who is already there?

Max Lucado reminds us to trust God to lead us into the future and not worry about what is ahead.

Finding Jesus!

How do we get started on rebuilding our relationship with Jesus, a relationship He yearns to have with us?

Phil Ware shares a message he has shared privately many times about how to experience Jesus, how for Jesus to be real in our lives, each day.

Do Not Let Baby Jesus Become Baby Lite

Do you like to keep Jesus in the manger? Sort of a Jesus lite. Don't

Jesus did not stay a baby. He grew up and died on a cross for you. Do not leave him in the manger.

Every Heart a Manger

Have you invited him in?

Max Lucado reminds us to make our heart a manger and every day Christmas.

The Story of Our Savior's Birth

Sometimes we just need to hear the familiar story told simply with fresh words.

Jesus' birth stories from Matthew and Luke are shared in straight Scripture from The Voice Bible.

Jesus or Religion?

Am I more like the wise men who passionately sought to find Jesus or the religious leaders who chose their traditions, positions, and power over Jesus?

Phil Ware reminds us that in the familiar story of the wise men is a challenging and life-changing question we must all answer with our choices and with our lives.

The Weather When Jesus Came

What will your weather be this Christmas?

Phil Ware recalls a refreshing winter morning that reminds him of the weather when Jesus came.

Jesus, Be Born in Me

Like Mary, we don't know fully what we are committing to do, but we know that our ultimate destination is Jesus.

Phil Ware reminds us of the gritty reality of Jesus' birth and Mary choosing to accept the challenge of being Jesus' mother and reminds us of our need to commit to have Jesus born in our lives.

All in the Family

When God chose to come into our world through a child, he chose a family line that was every bit as messed up as our world.

Phil Ware is using December to remind us how to welcome Jesus during this special time and what Jesus' coming means for each of us.

One Defining Note!

Do we realize the grace of getting to tune our lives to Jesus?

Phil Ware and James Nored remind us that the core of our faith is Jesus, that Christ is our defining note around whom all of us must tune our lives and recognize the grace of being called and transformed to be like him.

Future Safe

How secure to feel about your safety as we move into what seems to be an increasingly uncertain future?

Phil Ware reminds us that true thanksgiving is rooted in our future being safe in Jesus and sharing in his glory when he comes for us.


As long as there is life, we have a mission and purpose to complete.

Phil Ware reminds us that we are called to accomplish the mission God has called us to do so that when our days on earth are over we can say we have finished the work he has given us to do.

In the Footsteps of Jesus

Jesus said this was the right thing for him to do!

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of an important reason to be baptized: Jesus was and said it was the right thing to do.

Beyond Description

The beloved disciple wants us to know and love Jesus like he does!

Phil Ware looks at the gospel of John chapter 1 and reflects on all the titles, names, and descriptions given to Jesus in this one chapter and what it really means for us.

When the Cost Is too High!

Greed is not defined by what something costs; it is measured by what it costs you.

Max Lucado reminds us the real price tag for greed.

Forever Friends!

As followers of Jesus, we are blessed to have forever friends from all over the world!

Phil Ware reminds us that in Jesus, we are friends, and our friendships reach around the world, across cultures, and unite us in one family.

Bat Turn at the Jordan

before we can be ready to be fully used by the Lord in the work of the kingdom of God, we must have our bat turn moment.

Phil Ware and James Nored look at what the ministry of John the Baptizer meant for people in his day and call on us to share in this move toward the kingdom of God today.


How can such a discovery, no matter how badly dirt-encrusted and stained, not be seen as a genuine treasure?

Phil Ware tells us a simple story of a mother's love to remind how our Father sees us as his treasure.

Be a Blessing

When we open our hearts and lives to him, God fills them with wondrous, eternal treasures.

Phillip Morrison reminds us that giving of ourselves and our funds brings untold blessings to both the receiver and the giver!

Willing to Be Powerful

Dear God in heaven, we’d sure like to have a little bit of power to alter our irrelevance, lighten the burdens of others, and heal the wounds of the broken and despairing.

Phil Ware writes out of the context of recent disasters and the loss of a mother and child to remind us that being a servant, offering ourselves in sacrificial love, is never a waste!


If the gospel we believe doesn't cause us to liberate people from the chains of our prejudices and selfishness, then perhaps we don’t understand it.

Patrick Odom uses the short letter of Paul to Philemon to remind us what is important in Christ.

Looking Beyond the Fireworks

Peter thought it was good to be in that moment in time, but he had no idea the greatness of Jesus that he was missing!

Phil Ware reminds us not to miss the truth about Jesus by getting too caught up in the heavenly fireworks of the Transfiguration.

One of Us!

Jesus didn't come to earth to be protected from life's harshest realities, but entered into mortality to share it all with us — the good, the bad, the ugly, and the painful!

James and Phil continue their series on The Story of Redemption by focusing on the birth of Jesus and what it means for us.

When Right Words Are Very Wrong

Right answers can never substitute for right living.

Phil reminds us that having right answers means very little if we don't treat people like Jesus did.

This is Our Story, Too!

We want our lives to be part of Jesus' story of redemption, and then we want to share that redemption with others!

Phil Ware and James Nored continue to share God's story of redemption and focus this week on Jesus as the fulfillment of God's promises to Abraham and David and the genealogy of Jesus that displays God's grace.