Articles Tagged 'Us' (Page 50)

Don't Come To Church

Why would a minister tell you to not come to church?

Life's problems are not solved by going to church. They are solved by going to Jesus.

A Knock at the Door

Somebody's at the door.

No matter what we've done, God is willing to seek us out and bring us back home.

Why Doesn't Hollywood Get It?

Do they even want to

Rubel Shelly writes about Hollywood and their desire to pump unwholesome and unholy stuff into our living rooms and movie theaters despite what the public may want.

For Sale Signs

What kind of

Being acceptable to Jesus is not like getting a house ready to sell.

Jesus Has What You Need

You may need more than you think!

The church in Laodicea thought they had everything they needed. Jesus tells them they are destitute and need the things only he can give.

Catch & Release: Fear

There are a lot of excuses, but they usually all boil down to fear!

Phil Ware continues his series on Catch and Release as we seek to have the courage and boldness to share Jesus with others.

Why Are They Not Coming?

Religious but not in church: you bet, that's a lot of folks!

Larry Davies talks about why a lot of folks have trouble with going to church and reminds us that we are part of the problem when we don't go back to the basics.

Catch and Release: THE First Thing

Caught to be released into life, community, and purpose by the grace of God!

Phil Ware begins a series of articles on sharing Jesus in word and deed with others called Catch and Release and focusing on following Jesus.

Solving the Big Mystery

When is the last time you stared into the face of God?

Ron Rose talks about Amy who went to Mother Teresa's Dying Destitutes and found that by touching the broken and dying you looked into the face of God, and we can do the same if we take the time to draw close

The Intolerance of It All

When does our desire for tolerance cross the line into intolerance?

Rubel Shelly gives an insightful perspective on the Brit Hume tempest that occurred because he advocated for Christian faith.

The God Who Sees and Cares

Are we ministering beyond the curse?

Patrick Odum writes about the devastation in Haiti and our response to it as a people of God who want to do the work of the Kingdom.

Wake-up Call

Isn't it about time to wake up?

We can't just drift through life, going with the flow. It's time to wake up and make conscious decisions about our life.

What Our Lives Proclaim

What are your habits, patterns, and companions communicating to others?

Russ Lawson reminds us that the habits, patterns, and companions of our lives leave a message in the hearts of all who see us and know us.

How Can We Best Prepare for 2010?

How can we be prepared for the year ahead!

Larry Davies talks about spiritual ways to prepare and live out the year 2010.

New Year - New Options

Are you tuned up to face the New Year?

Rubel Shelly gives us some practical advice and a challenge to face the New Year with expectation and also reminds us to take one day at a time.

SpiritFire: Ask!

Why do we not ask for something God longs to give?

Phil Ware begins a four week challenge that coordinates with the SpiritFire daily devotional challenging us to invite the Holy Spirit into our daily lives.

Life, at Best, Is Transitory

This world is not our home

We are supposed to be in the world but not of the world. As followers of the Messiah, we are to be different, with our focus on heaven.

A Quarter of Remembrance

More than the decorations and gifts, this quarter makes Christmas special!

Mike Cope shares a beautiful story about a family tradition of dropping a quarter into the stockings of everyone in the family at Christmas, this includes a video update.

Let There Be Peace!

Don't let anyone rob you of your peace this season!

Tom Norvell reminds us to not let anyone steal the peace we have in Jesus or in the season and offers some insights on keeping our peace.

Traveling Mercies: You've Got to Be Kidding Me!

I've bet you have had a bunch of these moments at Christmas!

Phil Ware writes about Christmas, Joseph and Mary, and the "You've got to be kidding me!" moments in the life of Jesus.

Let There Be Joy

How do we keep people from robbing us of our joy in the Lord?

Tom Norvell uses the song "Joy to the World" to remind us that we need to nurture and protect our joy in Jesus.

Traveling Mercies: Never Leave These Behind

Can love and faithfulness be more than a slogan?

Phil Ware writes about Ruth and her love and faithfulness and how God used this to bring the Messiah, bless broken-hearted Naomi, and bless his people.

Don't Forget to Wish for the Best

When was the last time you sat down with the

Rick Brown finds a Black Friday experience that pushes him back to the real meaning of Christmas and the old Sears Wish Book.

Losing My Mind?

Is this where you are right now?

Russ Lawson reminds us that with so many things going on, we need to remember just the one important thing.

Traveling Mercies: Broken Dreams?

Are those old broken dreams really gone?

Phil Ware continues a series of messages called Traveling Mercies focusing on Moses and his journey from broken dreams to having those dreams realized in his life.