Articles Tagged 'Us' (Page 67)

What Do You Expect?

How in the world are we supposed to know what God expects of us?

How do we know what God expects of us or what it takes to please him? By listening to what he tells us to do in Micah 6:8.

Stretching for Our Gods

What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve or find?

Patrick Odum reminds us that to grow we have to stretch, reach, and sacrifice but that is more than worth the effort because Jesus gives us back far more than we can ever give.

Curing the Sin Virus

Where in the world did those horrible computer viruses come from anyway?

Sin is like a virus Satan has designed to appear harmless, infect us, spread, and render everything useless and destroy everything.

Will the Hurt Never End?

How long will all this mess last, anyway?

In the times of hardship and trial, it is hard to wait on the Lord because it seems so long before his deliverance, promised and sure as it is, comes to free us from our pain and suffering.

Thinking about God

Can you think about nothing but God?

Can we spend any special, focused, time thinking about nothing but God? It is hard, but we must learn to do so.

The Joy of Giving

How can this bring me more joy?

Patrick Odum tells about a boy who shared his winnings with his father rather than spending it only on himself and the joy that this attitude brought the father and Patrick compares this to the joy we give our Father, God, when we share.

Is Faith a Form of Pretending?

Is our faith merely wishful thinking and make believe?

We need to visualize who we are in Christ before it becomes a real part of our daily go to work world, and so we need to pretend we are children of God and the presence of Jesus Christ.

The Voice of Our Father

How do you approach God?

Phil talks about when his son Zachary was born hurt and how his voice as a father comforted his son and how we as God's children can approach God as Abba Father.

Clay or Collectible

Can we ever be more than a lump of clay or a collection of dust?

Article on the transformation God can do in our lives changing us from a lump of clay into an object of beauty and usefulness.

Old Warriors

What do you do to comfort those who lived through today so long ago?

Jerry visits and old warrior who cannot leave the battlefields of Normandy and can still remember as if it were yesterday leaving to go fight in World War II.


So what's the point of it anyway?

Should we give up when things look hopeless? Of course not, because the point may not be in winning in the eyes of others, but having God accomplish in us what he wants.

More Than a Façade

Will your character collapse under pressure?

Are we anything more than a facade, or does our character run deep and can it be seen in the world of quiet and inner places in our lives.

A Story About A Giant

Are you a giant or a burden?

We stand on the shoulders of giants and have the blessinmgs we have because of their sacrifices.

Seeking God

What god are you seeking?

Idolatry in India leads to a false notion that their gods are drinking milk, but the true and living God knows us and cares about us.

How Fragile Is Your Ego?

Can your ego handle the call of Jesus to humility?

Our egos are fragile and important but also dangerous, but we must learn humility.

Horrifying Halloween

What could make Halloween any more horrifying than it already is?

An awful Halloween ten years ago reminds us how important it is to value children for who they are!

Sausage Over Souls

Why in the world would anyone choose sausage over a life being changed?

The healing of the madman and the reaction of the crowd remind us once again that people are often prejudiced against anything that costs them something even if it benefits other people.


Have you learned to let off a little steam before you blow up?

We need to vent our anger appropriately with a Christian friend before we lose control and the whole things blows up on us and those around us.

Family Messes

How are we to handle the messes of life in the family of God?

Christian people can be ugly and ungrateful, but we must be like Jesus in both the way we use our speech and the way we forgive others who are hateful and ungrateful.

Removing the Selfish Part of Me

Why do we keep hanging on to what destroys us?

Selfishness destroys families while self-examination helps us improve ourselves and bless our families.

Bombarded by Self

So what's the big problem with all this self stuff?

When we put self in the middle of everything, then everything becomes about I, me, my, and mine, and not about God and we mess up our self-absorbed lives.

Hey, Clark Kent!

Why in the world would someone want to be an umpire?

If you want something bad enough, you go for it and do whatever it takes to do it, even if no one understands you.

A Little Lower, Please

How good are you at your communication skills?

A humorous story about a date is a reminder of how hard it can be to communicate well.

Hearing Problems

So how is your hearing these days?

We have a hard time understanding because we don't hear or listen to understand what Jesus is saying to us!

A Time to Rest

Can you rest and put your hope in God?

We all need time for real, genuine, rest.