The greatest miracle of all is the one that occurs every day in the lives of people who are found by grace and changed.
10/06/2006 by Paul Faulkner
When do we have enough stuff and can we say no to acquiring more?
10/05/2006 by Rubel Shelly
No matter what others say or do to make you feel useless, Jesus loves you and has demonstrated again and again that you are useful to him!
10/03/2006 by Patrick D. Odum
God longs to help supply us with our need, just as he did with the apostles trying to feed the 5000.
10/01/2006 by Alan Smith
Some folks are takers, getting everything they can out of life and sucking it dry or leeches who suck the life out of everyone around them who have it.
09/29/2006 by Paul Faulkner
Lift up your eyes is a call for vision, a call to not walk in fear of danger, but to look for the new, the glory, the things God is calling us to embrace.
09/28/2006 by Bill Sherrill
We have all sorts of trouble, heartache, grief, disappointment, discouragement in this world, but Jesus has overcome the world and given us victory.
09/26/2006 by Tom Norvell
A mother's lame explanation for child abuse makes us realize how easy and horrible it is to explain away our own responsibility.
09/23/2006 by Rubel Shelly
Jesus accomplished all he was sent to do because he put God's kingdom and his righteousness first.
09/22/2006 by Paul Faulkner
We can cry out to God and know he hears us and that our children and our grandchildren's futures are in his hands.
09/21/2006 by Tom Norvell
We are to carry the distinctive fragrance of Jesus with us anywhere we go.
09/20/2006 by Patrick D. Odum
Jesus finished his work, accomplished his mission, completed his task, passed his test, and when his life was over he was victorious.
09/18/2006 by Phil Ware
A return of money from a thief reminds us that we must seek to right the wrongs we've committed.
09/16/2006 by Patrick D. Odum
Many events in our lives change us forever, our lives will never be the same as a result, and Jesus is one of those life-changing events.
09/10/2006 by Tom Norvell
Paul has a scare while tending his goats and it makes him realize the urgency of now, of doing the things today that need to be done and saying the things that need to be said right now.
09/01/2006 by Paul Faulkner
A kid who goes through a tantrum meltdown faces off with his mom who uses the scream free technique to help the child learn boundaries and not embarrass himself.
08/30/2006 by Jenny Runkel
Hospitality is the Christian virtue of entertaining strangers, outsiders, and guests and recognizing in them angels or even the presence of God in the Trinity.
08/27/2006 by Scott Owings
So often we don't let God have control of our lives and we want to be the driver to our own loss.
08/26/2006 by Russ Lawson
Religion often addes burdens to people's backs, but Jesus came and relieved burdens.
08/25/2006 by Alan Smith
Martha knew her brother Lazarus had died, but she also knew that Jesus could do something, she just didn't know what, do you know Jesus can help in your worst crises?
08/20/2006 by Tom Norvell
Can a Christian father learn a lot about faith from his rappin' son and the rap he wrote to be sung at church?
08/19/2006 by Bill Denton
We like a person with kindness much more than a person who has had a bunch of cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery.
08/11/2006 by Paul Faulkner
We must remain connected to Jesus if we are going to bear fruit in the Lord.
08/06/2006 by Tom Norvell
Parenting can be done scream free, but not because we focus on our children, but because we focus on ourselves.
08/03/2006 by Hal Runkel, LMFT
We all need more friends, but the way to have them is to invest the time and offer others our friendship
08/01/2006 by Rubel Shelly