Articles Tagged 'Us' (Page 77)

Where I Am Going

Can you face the prospect of really bad news and tough times with faith?

In the face of battling mental health challenges, could you take on the prospect of dying with faith, character, and hope?

An Any Weather Friend

Do you have an "any weather" friend?

Jesus is a friend for all seasons, but so many of our friends are only fair weather friends.

Our True Citizenship

We're only strangers here; our homeland is heaven!

Our citizenship is in heaven, so let's live like heaven is our home!

6 Dollars Worth of Thanksgiving

What gift of value could 6 dollars buy?

Nothing blesses us than to see those we love being generous with others -- that's true thanksgiving!

How Are You Spending Your Life?

How are you spending the capital of your moments?

Every day is a gift to spent wisely, but once it is gone, it can't be spent again.

The Pains of Childbirth

What's it feel like to be pregnant?

We are in the time of pain, the time of pregnancy, waiting for the birth of our ultimate life in with God.

Report Card Day

What's your grade going to be?

While we may be flawed, God is compassionate, loving, and forigiving, and through Jesus, he will find ways to save us!


Is Jesus your friend?

There are all sorts defitions of friendship, but the bottom line is whether are not we are willing to let Jesus be our friend?


How can we ever get out of simply reacting to crises?

So often leaders do not do their most important work, living out God's purpose for them, because they are so busy handling problems and crises.

Getting Even

Are you really sure you can get even?

For many people "getting even" is what they're interested in and they won't be satisfied until it's done. They don't want someone to escape justice. Unfortunately, they fail to realize that never happens on this side of heaven's judgement.

The Gospel According to Radio

Have you seen the Gospel demonstrated lately?

Sometimes it is helpful to just see the Gospel of Jesus demonstrated; that's what the movie Radio helps do for us.

Sabbath Rest: The Key to Revived Spirits

I just don't have enough time!

God designed us to need a Sabbath rest -- not as Law, but as grace.


How can I cluster my time effectively?

How do we cluster activities to allow us to focus our energies on doing God's will for our lives rather than spending all of our time in routine, daily, maintenance activities?

Learning to Be Content

Have you found it yet?

I haven't learned to be content because I'm always wishing for more, but I'm trying and haven't stopped!

Sloggin' Through

How are you going to get it all done?

A plan to help us get things done we need to get done in a world of too much to do.

Give God Your Best and Don't Look Back

Give God your best gift; not sacrifice, but mercy!

We are often tempted to focus on the gift that is costly, but not greatest, when often the greatest gift that is needed is mercy.

This Loss of Dreams

What a great disappointment to have to wait!

To have to put off your wedding would be a great disappointment, but life is filled with disappointments -- that's why we need the hope we have in Jesus.

That's My Story

What story are you telling each day of your life?

The kinds of stories we tell about ourselves, shape who we are.

Dry Spells

What do we do with the dry patches in our lives?

How do we handle the depression and spiritual dryness in our lives?

Real Peace

Do you know peace in your life?

Do you know peace in your life? Or, do you find your days filled with conflict? Are you often belligerent and contentious with those around you? Find real peace in Jesus.

Don't Be a Diamond in the Darkness

Let Him fill you with light.

Brothers and sisters, without Christ, we are diamonds in a dark room. We cannot shine and display all the wondrous beauty God made us to have without His light.

Department or Attitude?

Did you hear the one about the fellow who walked into First Suburban Church wearing an expensive suit and a baseball cap?

If you value human contact and personal service, then take note of and appreciate it when you receive it.

Jesus: Fulfilling All Righteousness

First Stage of Jesus' Ministry

First stage of Jesus' ministry.

Once for Him, Once for Us!

Jesus is my beloved Son. What he says not only pleases me, but it is my fullest truth.

Phil Ware reminds us that God said almost exactly the same words to his Son twice, yet he spoke the first time to affirm his Son and the second time to let us know we must listen to the Son.