Max Lucado talks about the defeat of Satan, the devil, by Jesus on the cross.
02/14/2016 by Max Lucado
Phil Ware concludes his 10 part series on "Saved at Sea" dealing with sea stories in the Bible and how God has always saved his people, this time focusing on the ultimate saved at sea story, Revelation 21:1-5
11/02/2015 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his series on Saved at Sea focusing on Paul's promise in Philippians 1:6 and Paul's shipwreck and travel to Rome to fulfill his calling from God.
09/07/2015 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware completes his two article series on being strong and courageous and being ready to see God do great things among us.
09/02/2013 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware reminds us about the battle for our lives and that Jesus is the only one with control over the demons, the deep, the diseases, and death.
05/27/2013 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his series that parallels The Story and he brings us to the resurrection of Jesus through the humiliation of his disciples and himself and tying his message to the garments of Jesus.
03/31/2013 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware writes about the Christmas star that actually began to shine many years before the Magi found it!
12/16/2012 by Phil Ware
Rubel Shelly wades into the Tim Tebow issue with some good insight and a reminder to wait and see how this all turns out.
01/20/2012 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware shares insights on Sunday, the Resurrection Day of the Lord and why the disciples miss it and why we often do as well.
04/24/2011 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware weaves in the 7 sayings of Jesus on the cross with the sense of forgiveness and mission that should be ours in the cross and resurrection of Jesus.
04/21/2011 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware begins his series on God's Riches for Us at the Table of the Lord and reminds us that we are called to share with those close to us what the Lord has done for us.
01/13/2011 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his series on When Spirit Becomes Flesh and talks about Jesus as heaven's light.
12/17/2010 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his series called Light on the Dark Side of the Mountain, Old Testament stories where we find God's grace demonstrated in life's most difficult moments and this week focuses upon Deborah and women and courage and faith.
10/07/2010 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware challenges us to a life of passionate discipleship and challenge our children to follow with boldness, using the life of Paul.
12/27/2009 by Phil Ware
Rubel Shelly reminds us that the heart of leadership is not making excuses and helping others get the credit when things go right.
06/22/2009 by Rubel Shelly
Russ Lawson uses the Israelite's crossing of the Jordan River at flood stage to be a reminder that God is waiting for us to step out in faith so he can act in our lives.
03/06/2009 by Russ Lawson
Lee Wilson challenges us to determine what God wants and be on His side.
11/29/2008 by Lee Wilson
Phil Ware continues his 7 sayings of Jesus on the Cross with the meaning of the line today of "you will be with me in paradise" and talks about the hope it brings in the face of death.
07/14/2008 by Phil Ware
This is simply quoting Hebrews 2:14-18 about freedom from death's tyrranny.
07/04/2008 by Straight from the Bible
Phil Ware continues his series where he shares his dad's values with his adult children, and this one is on living with passion.
10/08/2007 by Phil Ware
Patrick Odum reminds us that overcoming temptation requires us to resist the devil, but he also adds some other insights from James' famous passage about overcoming temptation by being honest about oursleves and our need for God.
07/26/2007 by Patrick D. Odum
There is trouble in this world, it crashes in on us and we cannot ignore it, but we must remain focused on Jesus who has overcome the world.
02/11/2007 by Tom Norvell
Sin, a form of spiritual cancer, can be defeated like physical cancer and this victory leaves us feeling excited and on top of the world, but we must work hard for the victory and God will help us.
12/14/2006 by Tammy Marcelain
Should we give up when things look hopeless? Of course not, because the point may not be in winning in the eyes of others, but having God accomplish in us what he wants.
11/09/2006 by Patrick D. Odum
We have all sorts of trouble, heartache, grief, disappointment, discouragement in this world, but Jesus has overcome the world and given us victory.
09/26/2006 by Tom Norvell