Articles Tagged 'Voice'

Learning to Hear and Experience Jesus

We all need to discover that Jesus is not just alive and interceding for us at the right hand of God, but he is also present with us now as our resurrected Lord, Savior, and friend.

Phil Ware shares how we can experience Jesus in our lives based on Jesus' promises and Matthew's story of Jesus in his Gospel.

Hearing Silence

It's good to embrace seasons of quiet.

Melissa Troyer urges us to listen to the silence so we can hear the voice of God calling to us in the gentle slosh of the paddle slide through the water and the whisper of a gentle breeze.

Valuing Women in the Story of Jesus

As in other epoch-making moments in the history of God's people, the movement of God in Jesus' story began with the valuing of women's voices.

Phil Ware focuses on Jesus, the New Testament, the Bible teaches about the value, importance, and role of women in God's unfolding plan of grace.

Resurrection 2.4: When We Hear His Voice

Mary heard his voice call her name and that one word changed everything for her!

Phil Ware continues his series on Jesus' resurrection called resurrection 2.0, this week focusing on Jesus' word to Mary!

Cruciformed #3: Listen to Him!

In a world full of noisy distractions and competing messages, how do we know which voice we should obey and which sign we should follow?

Phil Ware continues his short series on becoming a cruciformed people -- disciples transformed by the cross of Jesus -- by talking about the focus on the story of Jesus' transfiguration.

Unconventional Grace and the Song of Jesus

Like in other epoch-making moments in the history of God’s people, the movement of God in Jesus’ story began with the valuing of women's voices.

Phil Ware continues his series of reflections on what the Bible teaches about the value, importance, and role of women in God's unfolding plan of grace.

Defying ISIS: #togESTHER

What we can do to help!

Ann Voskamp on going to Iraq and meeting with those who have lost so much to ISIS and she calls us to wake up and do something

By the Grace of God

Two preachers putting in sweat equity like Jesus?

Phillip Morrison shares an experience building a Habitat for Humanity house with an African American Methodist preacher and him a Church of Christ preacher.

Hearing God's Voice

Have you heard The Voice?

Hearing God's voice is challenging but it grows easier the more it's done. It begins by reading His word, studying scripture, knowing what the Great God Almighty requires of His followers. Then listen for His voice. It will come!

Who Will You Trust?

With all the voices telling you who you are, who will you trust?

Max Lucado uses the woman caught in adultery to remind us of the accusing voices we hear in our head and in our life and reminds us that this is from the adversary, the devil and challenges us to listen to the voice of Jesus.

Face of God?

How do we recognize God when He shows up in our world?

Phil Ware takes an incident of love and laughter with his foster grandson and learns a powerful insight into God, who chose to let us see his face and hear his voice in Jesus.

SpiritFire - The Master's Voice

Are you listening?

Phil Ware continues his series on the Holy Spirit focusing on listening to the Spirit's voice and how we hear God and Jesus and the Spirit in our daily life.

People over Machines

Don't you just love getting caught in a caller option system?

Rubel Shelly talks about the nightmare of getting caught in a voice mail and caller processing system and says he prefers people over machines.

Simon's Mistaken Judgement

Where in the world did she come from?

Rubel Shelly compares the prophet Samuel choosing a king to Simon Cowell's view of a woman from Scotland trying to sing and reminds us that outward appearances don't reveal talent or the heart of a person.

Only a Keystroke Away

Are our emails, IM's, and text messages really enough?

Russ Lawson talks about the the blessings of our high tech communication, cyberspace-style communication, and challenges us to face-to-face encouragement.

In Her Voice

Why did it take so long?

Phil Ware and Teresa Bell Kindred introduce a new feature, a women's blog for Heartlight called "A Kindred Heart."


Can your GPS get you out of life's real pickles?

Teresa Bell Kindred shares an experience she had with her GPS and then compares it to God's Plan of Salvation which is in the Bible, the only Voice we should trust.