Articles Tagged 'Want'

Kicked to the Curb? Good!

Holy ground — without brokenness, there would be no healing or hope or grace. So, thank you, Abba, for reserving a place for us, just for us, at the curb with you.

Ron Rose talks about how everything he and Lyn set out by the curb was reclaimed and reused by someone else, which is what God has done with us when we have been broken and discarded.

Tough Decisions and God's Precious Gift

What would you have done?

An aunt reflects on her niece's birth to a mom out of wedlock and how precious she is and so glad she was born.

In the Footsteps of Jesus

Jesus said this was the right thing for him to do!

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of an important reason to be baptized: not only was Jesus baptized, he also said it was the right thing to do and called on all his disciples to be baptized and baptizers.

Teach Us to Pray 09: Recalibrating Need

Our prayers often treat God as if he is the free Amazon delivery service for our every whim and want.

Phil Ware with Andy Johnson remind us that our prayer is for the bread we need today, not the extravagance we want for ourselves.

Let the Water Be Your Friend

It was with fear and trembling that she made her unsteady way down the steps and stood, shaking like a leaf!

Phillip Morrison shares some beautiful insight on unity, baptism, and how the water can be our friend if we let it!

Simple Words, Great Grace

Where would this woman be without a risk-taking faith that moved her to bold action?

Phil Ware reminds us that faith always involves action that demonstrates its reality and Jesus saves in more than the miraculous; he saves us in every way a person can be saved.

How Big Is Our Aquarium?

Why do we have to be the big fish in our small puddle?

Phil Ware looks through The Jesus Window and is led to ask a question of all of us: just how big is our aquarium, just how big is our Jesus?

Because Jesus Wants You to Be

If Jesus was baptized and if Jesus wants you to be baptized, what's holding you back?

Phillip Morrison reminds us of the most simple and basic reason of all to be baptized: Jesus wants us to be!

When Home Makes a Heart Call

Do you have a bad case of homesickness?

Cathy Messecar describes how her son went to camp and didn't want to be there but wanted to come home and she makes a connection with the story of the prodigal son in Jesus' parable in Luke 15.

Someone Named Her 'Unwanted'

How do you ever overcome the name?

Rubel Shelly writes about the name Nakusa in India and how it means unwanted and asks how to you overcome a bad name.

How Will We Survive?

If your world crashes in around you, how will you make it?

Rick Reynolds shares solid advice on how to survive an affair.

How Much Dirt?

When does a little filth become too much?

Russ Lawson challenges us to look at the way filth and dirt get into our lives and contaminate them and challenges us to pursue holiness and purity.

Impulse Buyer

Have you thought through your major purchase?

Steve Higginbotham shares his problems with impulse buying and the bills that eventually come due and he compares it to how we live our lives and the big check out day that lies ahead.

It IS More Blessed!

Have you really experienced the joy of this truth?

Phil Ware describes an experience one of the middle school teachers at his church had while listening to a student talk about receiving presents from a cool church.

Luxury Addiction

How much has your stuff become your owner?

Patrick Odum challenges us with some real truths about luxury and greed and what it does to our walk with God and our genuine opportunities to be happy.

Is This Really Depression?

Is this really depression?

Depression is more than not getting what we want, but unfortunately we get it confused, but let's admit its character flaws that leads us to be desirious of more than we need.


Who really wants these folks in church? Jesus, of course!

When a mega-pastor says he wants to get rid of the kooks that weigh his church down, Vann is not only shocked, but prays that God sends the kooks to his church.

Cashing in Our Hearts

How big a check do you want God to sign for you?

We often turn prayer into a time to demand God give us things so we can cash our check from him rather than as a time to submit to his will and grace for us.

I Need More Stuff

How much is enough for you?

When do we have enough stuff and can we say no to acquiring more?

Tough Decisions and God's Precious Gift

What would you have done?

An aunt reflects on her niece's birth to a mom out of wedlock and how precious she is and so glad she was born.

What Do You Really Want?

What are you asking Santa to bring you for Christmas?

What we want and most need at Christmas are not the kinds of things that money can buy!

Somewhere Else

Where do you want to be right now?

So many things make us long to be somewhere different.