Tom Norvell reminds us of Jesus encouraging his disciples, his followers, to get away from the maddening rush of the crowds and go to a quiet place with him and get some rest.
02/22/2011 by Tom Norvell
Phil Ware shares insight in his SpiritFire series on the Holy Spirit and reminds us of the incredible promises of God's nearness and personal indwelling in us through the Holy Spirit.
08/19/2010 by Phil Ware
Rubel Shelly reminds us that we don't have to answer unwanted email, mail, or phone calls just because it is there.
04/26/2010 by Rubel Shelly
We, the present day followers of Jesus, are the progeny of those men and women of the first century. The mission is now ours! With 2/3 of the 6.7 billion of the world's population who don't know Jesus, we have much to do.
03/24/2010 by Bill Brant
Phil Ware continues his series on Catch and Release reminding us that we are chosen to be Jesus' witnesses specifically because of who we are and what he has done for us in our lives.
02/18/2010 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his series on Catch and Release as we seek to have the courage and boldness to share Jesus with others.
02/12/2010 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware begins a series of articles on sharing Jesus in word and deed with others called Catch and Release and focusing on following Jesus.
01/28/2010 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware imagines a conversation that the apostle Peter might have had with a visitor to him in prison shortly before his execution.
07/16/2009 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware talks about the old adage, better to be safe than sorry, and shows what Jesus says about it: the follower who takes this approach will be condemned.
04/20/2009 by Phil Ware
Tom Norvell looks at our humanity and sees behind it all our need for Jesus.
01/25/2009 by Tom Norvell
Ron Rose shares some beautiful insights on friendship and the importance of a friend to living the abundant life.
10/14/2008 by Ron Rose
Russ Lawson shares some things from his granddaughter that helps us understand that we are God's children.
06/15/2008 by Russ Lawson
Tom Norvell reminds us to keep on speaking up for the Lord even in hostile situations and difficult circumstances.
03/30/2008 by Tom Norvell
Rubel Shelly reminds us that for Christians all of life is a place of sacred activity, especially our work.
10/18/2007 by Rubel Shelly
Tom Norvell reminds us about the nature of regrets and the wish we hadn't done what we've done, so he encourages us to live life differently.
08/30/2007 by Tom Norvell
Phil Ware shares how his church suddenly saw their call from God to be a front porch to the people of their community and how it changed them and helped them find their roots right back in the early story of Jesus' followers.
08/27/2007 by Phil Ware
Teresa Bell Kindred shares with us her absent-minded follies because she is distracted from all of her hi-tech toys to which she is plugged in and she reminds us to get away and be with God.
07/07/2007 by Teresa Bell Kindred
Phil Ware talks about the weariness of ministry and reminds us that it is not enough to simply get away and rest, we must get away and be with Jesus.
06/18/2007 by Phil Ware
One of the key spiritual disciplines is witnessing to others, because sharing our faith in Jesus is crucial to others finding God!
11/19/2006 by Scott Owings
Our love for the cool of the day after the hot day of work is a reminder of our need to be close to God and his desire to have us close.
10/22/2006 by Bill Sherrill
We all need time for real, genuine, rest.
10/07/2006 by Alan Smith
A return of money from a thief reminds us that we must seek to right the wrongs we've committed.
09/16/2006 by Patrick D. Odum
God doesn't want us to grow complacent or satisfied with the way things are simply because we are growing older.
01/09/2006 by Phil Ware
Getting a chance to play Santa Claus opens up a deep joy and a reminder that we need to be Jesus to those around us.
12/19/2005 by Phil Ware
We must remember those who have gone before us and learn the lessons they have left us!
10/16/2005 by Patrick D. Odum