Being nice is important if we are going to influence others.
10/06/2005 by Mike Barres
We must guard and protect our sacred space, our time alone with God.
09/26/2005 by Phil Ware
Do your remember your special day of salvation?
08/10/2005 by Joe Bagby
We need to remember that when we assemble, God joins us and it is a holy moment.
06/03/2005 by Alan Smith
In your face christian bumper stickers are offensive and dont' work to help evangelism.
05/31/2005 by Rubel Shelly
We must always be willing to speak up for Jesus!
04/08/2005 by Alan Smith
Taking a dog out for a walk proves to be a convicting moment about our stupidity in not staying close to God.
02/05/2005 by Russ Lawson
The eternal part of us, our life, is hidden away with Christ in God and glory awaits.
01/24/2005 by Phil Ware
Wouldn't the world be a better place if we lived as each day were Christmas?
12/09/2004 by Joseph Mazella
The way we handle life's storms can be a powerful witness to those around us just like Stephen's life was.
09/28/2004 by Mike Barres
We all need to be a little more ready and intentional about letting our light shine before others, but we also know and willingly bear the consequences.
09/19/2004 by Patrick D. Odum
We need to be sharing the gospel of Christ, God's mystery.
08/22/2004 by Mike Barres
People need to see genuineness in Christians before they are going to listen to them about Jesus.
08/05/2004 by Rubel Shelly
The power of an anonymous motel room doesn't have to claim our purity or cause us to cave into sin.
07/13/2004 by Lynn Anderson
Christians should be recognizable because their behavior and conduct match that of Jesus.
01/15/2004 by Larry Zinck
God's authority, his love and discipline, are for our good and our blessing, not our punishment.
12/11/2003 by Kelly Breece
We can't share our faith because we've lost the commitment to memorize and know God's Word.
11/05/2003 by Dave Cook
Doing the right thing is hard, but the retirement benefits make it worth the effort -- just ask Jesus!
10/31/2003 by Russ Lawson