Articles Tagged 'Woman'

I Doubt It: The Fields are White

Can we trust Jesus' words are as true today as they were when he said them?

Phil Ware continues his 'I doubt it!' series and looks at Jesus' promise that the fields are ready for harvest.

I Want to Be Like Her

Let's move beyond remembering her story; let's also commit to being like her in these four ways.

Phil Ware continues his reflections in the Gospels as he seeks to call us to continue pursuing Jesus so that we can be JesuShaped.

Overcoming the Greater Pandemic: Finder and Mender

God's people have been in lost places before our time. They made it safely through their wilderness to better times and better places.

James Nored in video and Phil Ware with words reminds us that God is the finder and mender of lost and broken things and lost and broken people.

ToGather: Don't Make the Detestable Digestible (July 26, 2020)

The call to be holy is not a call to be self-righteous, but to humbly approach God, live holy lives, and love sinners as Jesus did!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead through worship in song, the Lord's Supper, a powerful message from God's word, and a blessing to enable us to worship from home or with family and friends in a meaningful way.

Our New Chapter

My response is to recognize God’s greatness and grace in using me as an instrument and with confidence move into this pure, unspotted new chapter.

Jackie Halstead challenges us to take advantage of the New Year to begin writing a new chapter in our lives that brings grace to a world struggling with evil.

Scales on Our Eyes?

We're like the apostle Paul right before he was baptized: we can't see!

Phil Ware concludes his 14 part series on how God values women and their importance in the life of His people.

A Story That Must Be Told!

Regardless of our reasons in the past, let’s make sure we honor the Lord’s wishes in this circumstance and others like it.

Phil Ware continues his series of messages of how Jesus values women, focusing this week on the loving and extravagant gift of the unnamed woman who broke her alabaster jar and anointed Jesus with expensive perfume.

The Most Excellent Way

Beyond sexual equality to the Jesus way of mutuality and sacrificial love.

Phil Ware continues his series on how God values women and how precious they are to Him, His people, and the future of humankind, this week focusing on sexual intimacy and value.

Too Familiar to Feel the Bite?

Because we have heard the story of Martha and Mary so many times, we often miss the radical truth Jesus established at this dinner!

Phil Ware continues his series on what the New Testament teaches about God valuing women and the key role they played in the early church of Jesus.

Co-Heirs with Christ

Paul's declaration to the Galatians is a racial, social, and gender earthquake.

Phil Ware continues his series of articles on the role of women and God's plan for women in Jesus' church; this week focuses on Paul's liberating statements in Galatians 3:26-29 and Romans 8.

Important Women, Important Roles

If we listen carefully to God’s unfolding story, there are many strong women of faith who played key roles in the life of God's people!

Phil Ware continues his series on the role of women and their importance in the story of God's unfolding grace.

Our New Trajectory in Pentecost

Beginning with Pentecost, God's Spirit was making a new humanity.

Phil Ware continues his series on the Bible's view of women and their importance to God and his people, focusing this week on the new community created at Pentecost.

Made to Be Complements

In the Lord, we are called to complement, complete, and bless each other so that each can be what she or he is created by God and re-created in Jesus to become!

Phil Ware continues his series on how God values women as seen in Scripture, this is part 2.

Of Sacred Value

God didn't make one a first class person and the other a second class person based on gender.

Phil Ware begins a series of posts focusing on the sacred value of women and how we have lost the focus of Jesus.


Where can we go to know we are loved and safe from the storm?

Brian McCutchen reminds us of the importance of family

Be a Blessing

When we open our hearts and lives to him, God fills them with wondrous, eternal treasures.

Phillip Morrison reminds us that giving of ourselves and our funds brings untold blessings to both the receiver and the giver!

I Doubt It: The Fields are White

Can we trust Jesus' words are as true today as they were when he said them?

Phil Ware continues his 'I doubt it!' series and looks at Jesus' promise that the fields are ready for harvest.

Beautiful to Broken

Why reject the goodness of God and all he has done to choose our own way?

James Nored and Phil Ware continue helping us find our story in God's story, this time looking at the Fall.

Made Out of Love

Why in the world did the Creator make us and give us such a beautiful place to live?

James Nored and Phil Ware continue their series on Finding My Story in God's Story and listening to what the Bible says about our world, about us, and about where to find life.

The Grace of Dropping Stones

Would I be willing to drop my stone first?

Tom Norvell reminds us of a well known truth we so often forget and even more infrequently apply.

But One Thing I Do!

How do we keep from letting the past dominate our future?

Phil Ware reminds us to let the past stay in the past and gives us Paul's advice for moving beyond our past: forgetting, straining, pressing on.

A Forgotten, but Necessary, Grace of Jesus

Should we be surprised that so many call themselves Christians but never live for Jesus?

Phil Ware shares a passion on his heart about the way we have privatized and personalize conversion and salvation that eliminates the necessary grace of Jesus' community, family, and spiritual community.

The Women

Who stood by Jesus while all his apostles failed him?

Phil Ware continues his series on the importance of women to God and to the early church and focuses on the "The Women" Luke refers to as standing by Jesus in his Passion, crucifixion, burial, resurrection, and pouring out the Spirit at Pentecost and how

Too Familiar to Feel the Bite?

Sometimes we miss the truth because we are too familiar with what we think we know!

Phil Ware continues his series on the way God values women and expresses this in Scripture and also against the grain of culture.

Co-heirs with Christ

Paul blows away the confusion and declares us all equally heirs of God's promise!

Phil Ware continues his series on the way God values a woman and how Pentecost begins a new humanity that is to work itself out in the life of Jesus' people, the church.