Articles Tagged 'Work' (Page 5)

The Failure of List-keeping

Why do we trade our Lord in for our lists?

Bill Denton reminds us that the Gospel of Jesus isn't centered in a list of do's and don't's but in a Savior, Jesus Christ, who was crucified and raised to bring us God's grace.


What's buried in the concrete of your heart?

Patrick Odum shares insight based on the buried Red Sox jersey in the new Yankee Stadium concrete and compares it to getting rid of the sin that lurks in our hearts.

Jess, to His Friends

What a big difference one stuck key can make!

Lisa Mikitarian has a sticking key on her laptop, the letter "U" and it makes things look a little strange but it helps remind her how everyone is important!

When the Sun Sets on Seno-Baani

What can African women teach a modern theological student?

Christine Villas shares insights on how a trip to Africa changed her opinion of all women.

Free to Serve

If I am free, why would I want to be a servant?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that because of Jesus, even difficult tasks are a blessing to do.

Work as Witness

Can my daily work actually be sacred work?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that for Christians all of life is a place of sacred activity, especially our work.

Missing It

How badly have you missed it or messed it up?

Tom Norvell reminds us to praise God for what he has done in our lives, not explain it away.

A Little Washing

Getting a little bored, then try a little God-adventure!

Ron Rose reminds us to find the faith moments in our days and step off and let God lead us in a little adventure.

How to Handle Criticism

How do you handle it when people come down on you?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that if we have big dreams or want to be used by God significantly, we will have plenty of critics, but don't let them stop you and he gives several different pieces of good advice.

Rhythms of Grace

What if the day begins at a different time than we think?

Phil Ware challenges us to re-look at how we define the day and when it begins by looking at Genesis 1 and the rhythm of creation and see that God has blessed us with rest before work.

The Quiet Kingdom

Can you hear the Kingdom advancing?

Rubel Shelly talks about the kinds of ways the Kingdom of God grows and spreads, quietly, gently, in the faithful, every day actions of real people.

Connecting the Dots!

Can you see the outline of your life taking shape?

Ron tells about his daughter's miscarriage and how God has connected the dots to help her come to the conclusion they need to adopt a baby.

Displaying the Work of God

Whose sin was being punished?

Even when disaster strikes, our God is in control.

The Art of Kindergarten Identity

How special are you and why?

What will it take for us to realize our great value to God simply because he wants us to love him and be with him?


Can we really find true happiness here?

We are killing ourselves trying to find happiness in things and miss it because it is not found there.

How Was Your Weekend?

So did your weekend leave you refreshed or deplete?

How we approach the weekend and the beginning of a new week depends upon whether or not we focus on heavenly things, things above where God is!

Grace Is Amazing

What's so amazing about grace?

Grace is amazing because of all the great things it does for us and changes in us.


Why put off to next week that which can be put off till ...?

Procrastination costs us so very much because of the time we waste doing nothing and never completing things.

Escape Velocity?

Can you get out of your problems before they drag you down?

God will stick by us and get us through the worse times in our lives.

Exercising the Spirit: Rule of Life

Are you ready to set out on your own with God?

The Rule of Life is our own commitment to live out the spiritual disciplines, exercising the Spirit and doing what God longs to see us doing.

Being Rich

How much do you really need?

What we have is not what determines how rich we are and our job is just a means to an end, not the real goal or end.

Change of Plans

What do you do when you have to make a change in your plans?

Phil reminds us that a change in our plans may not be for the worst, in fact it may be one of God's little reminders that we need to be aware of his work in our lives.

Tough Times Toughen

Wow, tough times can be hard, but is there a payoff to them?

Tough times, even when they are filled with temptation can help us grow and better appreciate good times when they come.

Is Faith a Form of Pretending?

Is our faith merely wishful thinking and make believe?

We need to visualize who we are in Christ before it becomes a real part of our daily go to work world, and so we need to pretend we are children of God and the presence of Jesus Christ.

Working on Your Soul

What in the world does Ray Romano have to do with soulwork?

Ray Romano said he is off to do soul work remembering a note he received from his brother about something that Jesus said about losing ones soul.