Serving may be hard work, but like good exercise, it develops us into a healthier people.
10/19/2006 by Mike Barres
We work hard and that is good, but we also need to rest faithfully and easily and enjoy the rest God has called us to keep.
09/04/2006 by Phil Ware
Stuff enslaves us rather than blesses us and people count most in our lives.
07/14/2006 by Paul Faulkner
While we don't expect to do the work to make prayer work, we must at least engage ourselves in the task we pray for.
06/22/2006 by Alan Smith
Romantic love will fail if it is not built on friendship.
06/09/2006 by Paul Faulkner
Worship has to be part of our everyday real life world where we work, play, do sports, have recreation, and watch our kids play.
06/05/2006 by Phil Ware
Journaling allows us to see God's work, his fingerprints, his involvement in our lives.
05/24/2006 by Kimberli J. Brackett
God is at work in the ordinary and unimportant aspects of life as well as the extraordinary and debilitating aspects of life.
05/02/2006 by Russ Lawson
So much of what we work for really doesn't matter, so let's invest in what does, the people around us.
04/25/2006 by Rubel Shelly
God is really the only one whose intentions really matter, what I intend to do does hold that much weight.
04/13/2006 by Steve Puckett
Life is more than making a living, it's making a life.
04/07/2006 by Paul Faulkner
Heartlight has been around for ten years and Paul has played an indispensable part of it.
04/05/2006 by Paul Lee
So often we don't live a life of faith because we are afraid to get out of the car and get involved!
03/22/2006 by Ron Rose
When you least expect it, don't be afraid, God is revealing a new plan for your life.
12/31/2005 by Tom Norvell
Sometimes we try too hard and too much when we should simply be doing what we can.
11/09/2005 by Tom Norvell
Soul work takes tiem and in our instant society we must be patient and let God do his work on us.
10/25/2005 by Rubel Shelly
We need to pray for those who giving of their time, effort, energy, and themselves to be involved in the relief, recovery, and clean up in post Katrina aftermath.
09/09/2005 by Phil Ware
Marriage requires effort and work, but it is worth it!
08/20/2005 by Bill Denton
We need to look for God even in the worst of situatinos!
05/29/2005 by Rick Reynolds
Our Christian life is lived out in our workplace much more than in our church attendance!
05/03/2005 by Rubel Shelly
Every space is holy when a Christian inhabits it.
04/26/2005 by Rubel Shelly
God's gift of grace in Jesus' Christ carries with it the responsibility to live changed lives.
12/28/2004 by Patrick D. Odum
Exercise can cause pain, but that pain is necessary to help us grow and see things more clearly.
11/13/2004 by Joey Cope
So often we judge how important an event is by how many are expected to show up and base our efforts accordingly -- but this is wrong, because our real audience is God.
10/20/2004 by Dr. Jeff Lee
While it may not be fun, service is the role of Jesus!
08/21/2004 by Bill Denton