Articles Tagged 'World' (Page 7)

The Work of My Father

What is my Father trying to teach me about his work?

Lisa Mikitarian reminds us that our Father in heaven has invited us into his work just like our earthly parents have sometimes invited us, and taken pride in us, working in their world.

Life as a Fourteen Year Old

Some things shouldn't have to be part of a fourteen year old's life experiences.

Rubel Shelly talks about the shooting of Malala Yousafzai and Heartlight updates her current condition, calling for us to live as God has called us.

Unnecessary Chapters in Life?

Why do we go through these hard and apparently unnecessary times?

Max Lucado reminds us that the troubles of this present life are preparing us for something far greater.

Let Christmas Deny the World?

Christmas deny the world?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the world can deny us of many things, especially love and joy and peace and so let's use Christmas as our opportunity to deny the world it's hold on our heart.

When You're an Old Coot

Some negative descriptions actually may be good!

Russ Lawson takes a gag gift he received from his kids and reminds us that it is OK to be an old coot if this means being different from the world.

Good News for Our Broken World

What hope is left when life is shattered?

Brian McCuthchen reminds us of the place of hope, refuge, and help when our world is broken.

Making Faith Look Foolish

So when is Jesus' return?

Rubel Shelly talks about the end of the world, which a prediction missed once again, and how those who do not live faith embarrass the cause of Christ.

The Thief in the Night

Don't let the signs of the times scare you!

Many try to predict when Jesus will come back. The Bible says His coming will be a surprise. The main thing we need to do is be ready to greet Him, whenever that may be.

Each Has a Name

Let's begin somewhere, doing something, and not just talk about it!

Phil Ware talks about our broken world, spring, the tsunami and earthquakes in Japan, and the Lord's prayer.

It's a Small World After All

The Story of a sponsor meeting his child through Compassion International.

The Story of witnessing Lee Raney meeting his sponsored child through Compassion International.

Mountains or Foothills

Whether something is a mountain or a foothill depends on your perspective.

Perspective determines our perception of reality. Christians view things differently because of our belief in God.

Let There Be Joy

How do we keep people from robbing us of our joy in the Lord?

Tom Norvell uses the song "Joy to the World" to remind us that we need to nurture and protect our joy in Jesus.

Peace Be with You!

Have you found purpose, meaning, and peace in the life you are living?

Phil Ware continues his lifewords series on the post resurrection sayings of Jesus and considers Jesus' blessing, "Peace be with you!"

Little Acts of Love

Now what can I really do and does it really matter?

Marsha Jordan reminds us that we may not have the skill set or talents we would choose for ourselves, but we can still change the world through small acts of love.

What Christmas Teaches

Can you escape the traps?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that Christmas can be a time where we escape the realities of the world and rejoice.

The Power of Human Kindness

Can kindness really melt the heart of stone?

Rubel Shelly shares a great story of how simple kindness and candy help heal old wounds and made friends out of enemies.

Your Ambition

What is your ambition in life?

Tom Norvell shares with us some insights from 1 Thessalonians and how to life a quiet life and honor God and win the hearts of outsiders.

Uprighting the Earth

What do you need to bury in your life?

Ann Voskamp shares about a recent burial she was happy to attend, and in the process, put the world back into its upright position.

Content with the Patriots

Would you wear the castoffs of the losers?

Patrick Odum describes what happened to the Patriot SuperBowl championship jerseys that were going to be thrown away because they lost, and challenges us to give more than our throw aways to the poor of the world.

Can You Hear the Music?

Do you hear the sounds of God in the rush of the world?

Rubel Shelly talks about how Joshua Bell, a famous violin virtuoso played in a busy place and was ignored and uses this to remind us how much we miss in life because we are not listening.

Where to Find Peace?

Where do you find peace in a world as troubled as ours?

Tom Norvell shares with us the promise of Jesus to find peace even in the middle of a world full of trouble, because Jesus has overcome the world.


Have you found the source of peace for every season?

Tom Norvell describes Jesus as the only source of peace in any season.

Maybe You Can Tell Us Apart

Can you tell us apart?

Despite apparent differences, we Christians are the same in the things that matter.

Our Need to Remember

Hopefully remembering the horrors can help us prevent them.

Phil Ware uses Memorial Day to think about the cost of war and the ultimate sacrifice of a friend named Roy who lived through World War II, the assault on Normandy Beach and the Battle of the Bulge.

The Bigger Picture

Can you see beyond the hard times you are now facing?

Alan Smith shares a Leith Anderson story about going to the only perfect World Series game and how he saw it as a disappointment because his team lost and then Alan compares this to our sometimes not seeing the big picture of what is really happening when