Articles Tagged 'Worship' (Page 6)

ToGather: The End of the Law? (October 4, 2020)

As we join together to honor Jesus as our Christ and Lord, we can lay every burden down and rejoice in the grace God has lavished upon us.

Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware lead through worship in song, the Lord's Supper, a powerful message from God's word, and a closing blessing for worship from home with family and friends in a meaningful way - we can be assured our righteous was purchased by for October 4 Is Ready!

You're invited to use our worship guide for your home worship!

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday, Verse of the Day focused, home worship guide and videos, called!

ToGather: Intentional Godliness (September 27, 2020)

Godliness means having the commitment and the spiritual discipline to live in ways that honor and reflect the character and compassion of God.

Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware lead through worship in song, the Lord's Supper, a powerful message from God's word, and a closing blessing for worship from home with family and friends in a meaningful way - we are called to live godly lives, intentionally! for September 27 Is Ready!

You're invited to use our worship guide for your home worship!

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday, Verse of the Day focused, home worship guide and videos, called!

ToGather: Jesus Is Both Savior and Lord (September 20, 2020)

Jesus isn't just our Savior; he is also our Lord. As Lord, Jesus challenges us to take up our cross and follow him.

Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware lead through worship in song, the Lord's Supper, a powerful message from God's word, and a closing blessing for worship from home with family and friends in a meaningful way - we need to place our challenges in Jesus' hands! for Sunday, September 20, is Ready!

You're Invited to join us!

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday, Verse of the Day focused, home worship guide and videos, called!

ToGather: More Than I Can Handle! (September 13, 2020)

Jesus put his disciples into a position where they realized that they needed to lean in and lean on him.

Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware lead through worship in song, the Lord's Supper, a powerful message from God's word, and a closing blessing for worship from home with family and friends in a meaningful way - we need to place our challenges in Jesus' hands! for Sunday, September 13, is Ready!

You're Invited to join us!

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday, Verse of the Day focused, home worship guide and videos, called!

ToGather: I Forgot How Big! (September 6, 2020)

Nehemiah reminded God's people — even as they lived among the ruins of their failed history — that God is bigger than their failures and can re-create his new future for them.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead through worship in song, the Lord's Supper, a powerful message from God's word, and a blessing to enable us to worship from home or with family and friends in a meaningful way. They invite us to remember just how big o for Sunday, September 6, is Ready!

You're Invited to join us!

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday, Verse of the Day focused, home worship guide and videos, called! for Sunday, August 30, is Ready!

You're Invited to join us!

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday, Verse of the Day focused, home worship guide and videos, called! for Sunday, August 23, Is Ready!

You're Invited!

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday, Verse of the Day focused, home worship guide and videos, called! for Sunday Is Ready!

You're Invited!

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday, Verse of the Day focused, home worship guide and videos, called! for Sunday Is Ready!

You're Invited

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday, Verse of the Day focused, home worship guide and videos, called! for Sunday July 26, Is Ready!

You're Invited!

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday, Verse of the Day focused, home worship guide and videos, called!

Where's the Power?

What happened to the power that Jesus promised to us?

Phil Ware focuses on Jesus' promise to send the power of the Holy Spirit to empower the church and our need to seek and use that power! for Sunday July 12 Is Ready!

We invite you to share worship with people from all over the world!

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday, Verse of the Day focused, home worship guide and videos, called!

ToGather for Sunday, July 5 is Ready

You're invited to take part even though the!

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday, Verse of the Day focused, home worship guide and videos, called!

ToGather: I Will Celebrate! (June 21, 2020)

David danced with all his might amid the reverence and honor given to God as the ark, the representation of God's power and presence, returned to his people.

Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins lead us into worship in song and the Word to experience, proclaim and rejoice in the majesty, goodness, and grace of our God who is powerful and present among us.

ToGather: The Scandal and Grace of Jesus' Cross (June 14, 2020)

For us, the cross means everything because at the cross God meets us with overwhelming grace and love that know no limit.

Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins lead us into worship in song and the Word to experience, proclaim and rejoice in the power of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

ToGather: How Do I Keep My Sinful Flesh in Check? (May 24, 2020)

Those of us who have followed Jesus for any significant length of time know that keeping our sinful flesh in check is a challenge.

Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins invite us to worship God and keep our sinful nature, our flesh, in the past and nailed to the cross and lead us in worship through this practical home worship guide.

ToGather: Valuing Women of Faith and Courage (May 10, 2020)

Happy Mother's Day! Today is Mother's Day in many part of the world, so let's celebrate women of faith and courage who have blessed our lives and empowered the work of God in our world.

Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins invite us to worship God and celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit as we are transformed to be more like our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

ToGather: Resurrection Sunday!

Today is Resurrection Sunday for many Christians around the world, and it is a reminder that Jesus is alive and we can have a genuine relationship with Him, everyday!

Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins have put together a worship experience for folks who cannot make it to a church assembly or whom are uncomfortable with church worship in a building.

ToGather.Church Invitation for April 12, 2020

Resurrection Sunday's ToGather is now ready and you are invited to join us!

Saturday invitation and link for this Sunday's

ToGather: Opening People's Hearts to Jesus

How do we prepare the hearts of those we influence to be ready to receive Jesus with joy? worship segment for April 5, 2020, focusing on Jesus' Triumphal Entry and how we prepare people to receive Jesus into their hearts and shout "Hosanna!" in praise and welcome to him.