Two Minute Meditations (Page 13)

Imperfect Love

What difference can my imperfect love make in a mountain of need?

Phil Ware writes about his trip to Sagrada Familia in Lima, Peru and how imperfect love can make a huge difference in the lives of children.

Making a Difference?

Can't we save some?

Phil Ware continues his series on light on the dark side of the mountain reminding us the need for men and women of God to step up and be counted.

Go Take a Dip

Imagine the power of the powerless!

Phil Ware continues his Old Testament stories called Light on the Dark Side of the Mountain and talks this week about the unnamed servant girl and Naaman.

Don't Go Fishing?

It's time to fish or be bait!

Phil Ware continues his series on Light on the Dark Side of the Mountain and shares the story of Jonah with us.

Hem of the Garment

Could you have waited?

Phil Ware continues his series on Light on the Dark Side of the Mountain focusing on David's restraint when he could have killed Saul.

When the Dude's a Dud?

What are God's people supposed to do in such times?

Phil Ware continues his series called Light on the Dark Side of the Mountain, Old Testament stories where we find God's grace demonstrated in life's most difficult moments and this week focuses upon Deborah and women and courage and faith.

Transition out of Darkness

Are you helping transition those you love out of darkness?

Phil Ware continues his series of light on the dark side of the mountain and reminds us of Samuel, the great transitional leader of God.

The Scarlet Cord

What can a pro from the city and two spies teach us about the dark side of our mountain?

Phil Ware continues his series called Light on the Dark Side of the Mountain, and reminds us of the faith of Rahab and the two spies and how it changed everything for future generations.

Risky Faith

How dark is it in your world?

Phil Ware continues his series called Light on the Dark Side of the Mountain and reminds us that risky faith is rewarded.

The Dirt, the Hole, the Tree, and the Question

Do I really believe this stuff?

Phil Ware shares another message in his Light on the Dark Side of the Mountain series, focusing on Abraham, Jesus, the dirt, the hole, the tree, and the question.

Building the Bridge to Bring Us Home

Is there really light on the dark side of the mountain?

Phil Ware begins a new series called light on the dark side of the mountain focusing on the fall and the cracks that became a chasm in the lives of God's first children.

SpiritFire - Leading Us Safely Home

Where is home for you? No, really, Where?

Phil Ware concludes his SpiriFire series with a reminder that God -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- lives inside us and makes his home with us.

SpiritFire - More than Near

How close is God to us?

Phil Ware shares insight in his SpiritFire series on the Holy Spirit and reminds us of the incredible promises of God's nearness and personal indwelling in us through the Holy Spirit.

SpiritFire - Gifted Children

Why is there so much fussing and fighting over spiritual gifts?

Phil Ware continues his series on the Holy Spirit called SpiritFire and focuses on the issue of spiritual gifts.

SpiritFire - Unity of the Spirit?

Why is unity such a big deal?

Phil Ware continues his series on SpiritFire and challenges us to look at the importance of the unity of the Spirit.

SpiritFire - Overflow?

Where can I get this living water?

Phil Ware continues his series on the Holy Spirit called SpiritFire and talks about living in the overflow of the Holy Spirit's presence.

SpiritFire - Abba

How dare we address God in this way?

Phil Ware continues his series on the Holy Spirit by talking about God being Abba Father.

SpiritFire - The Master's Voice

Are you listening?

Phil Ware continues his series on the Holy Spirit focusing on listening to the Spirit's voice and how we hear God and Jesus and the Spirit in our daily life.

SpiritFire - Unforgivable?

Do you worry about this?

Phil Ware shares insight into the unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit, or blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and offers a four point way to invite the Holy Spirit into our world each day.

SpiritFire - Potholes, Ditches, and Freedom

Can you avoid the deep ditches?

Phil Ware continues his SpiritFire series and reminds us of the ditches that can trap us on the way to freedom in grace and being led by the Spirit.

SpiritFire - How Do I Think of the Spirit?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Phil Ware continues his SpiritFire series focusing on God getting personal with us in the Holy Spirit and addresses the question of whether the Holy Spirit is a he, she, or it.

SpiritFire - Two Choices

Which do you choose?

Phil Ware kicks off a series called SpiritFire on the Holy Spirit and emphasizes we have to either walk by the flesh or by the Spirit.

C2K — Kiss the Bride

Are you ready for the big wedding?

Phil Ware concludes his series on Church to Kingdom, C2K, and reminds us that as Jesus' people, we are the bride of Christ and need to be ready for our wedding.

C2K - Living Beyond the Cliché

What if we really took Jesus' words seriously?

Phil Ware continues his series on moving from Church to Kingdom and focuses on obeying the words of Jesus.

C2K - Go Smaller to Go Deeper

Why worry about this smaller thing?

Phil Ware talks about our need to go deeper into the will of Jesus by getting with a group with whom we can grow and follow Jesus.