Two Minute Meditations 2004 Archives

Merry Christmas!

We pray the Lord blesses you with the grace of Jesus' presence this Christmas!

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After the Christmas Lights are Gone

Will we follow Jesus now that Christmas is over and the New Year approaches?

We are called to live for Jesus after the Christmas lights quit twinkling.

Happy Birthday Bro!

What are you supposed to do with those December birthdays?

We are thankful for our brothers' birthdays, but our Big Brother's birthday is the most important of them all.

Buried in My Old Attic?

Will this Christmas season be lost in things left behind?

Little things mean a great deal during the Christmas season. Let's not forget to do them.

Hard Winter Chill

Are you ready for the hard chill that's coming?

We can survive times of trouble, trials, and temptation if we prepare.

The One Left Behind

How in the world will you ever catch up?

So often we get behind and don't know how to catch up; how about listening to God and what he tells us?

The Lost Art of Giving Thanks

When's the last time you felt the joy of being truly thankful?

We need to recover the lost art of giving thanks and there are some steps we can take to do just that.

Running Out of Time

How much time do you have left?

We need to live with a greater sense of urgency and intention because salvation is nearer now than ever before.

A Little Rain Must Fall

How wet is it in your world?

Sometimes we face difficulties and trials, but the big challenge is bearing up under the weight of incessant trials, problems, difficulties.

What Joy for This Nation!

What joy for this nation!

Reminder that our hope must be in the Lord.

Time to Hit our Knees and Lift our Hands

What can we do at such an important time like this?

We should be a people in prayer at times like these.

1 Egg Breakfast x 5

So what's the big deal about breakfast?

There are some things that are good to change, but there a some we cannot compromise on.

He Must Increase

What are you willing to do that only God knows?

The greatest is often not the one we think is most important, but the one who serves with the most selfless heart.

Ready to Go!

Don't you want to be ready when the time comes?

Don't you want to be ready to go when Jesus returns to take us home to glory?

Too Many Words

Fearful words for any preacher to hear!

We must guard against using too many words!

New Fangled Night Light

What are you forgetting in the light of day?

Too many of our good intentions are never fulfilled because we forget them and leave our world in darkness.

Not Prepared for These Storms!

What are you going to hang onto during these storms?

If Jesus isn't made the center of our marriages and families, our failure is assured.

Amazing and Extended Grace

Who is most like Christ in your world?

Family caregivers are the greatest example of Jesus for many of us in our world today.

S.O. S.

We must learn to use prayer to face our challenges.

One of our most important tools in our spiritual warfare is prayer.

Missing the Target

How bad have you messed up?

Sometimes we sin -- we miss the mark -- and we need grace to forigive and restore us and to purify us.

The Sounds of Letting Go

What happens when the school bus arrives in your neighborhood?

Each year the start of school reminds us that our children are a little closer to moving out and away from us.

The Hardest Grace of All

Can you really forgive?

Forgiving others when they have truly hurt us is the hardest grace of all.

Pickles and Mustard?

What kind of spiritual food are you eating?

While pigging out on junk food may be bad, spiritual fast food and junk is worse!

When Love Takes You In

When's the last time you welcomed someone in?

We have been brought into the circle of God's grace and we must graciously bring others in as well.

Rain of Grace

Have you had a little shower in your life lately?

Sometimes an unexpected rain, a gift of grace, is just what is most needed to keep on keeping on.

Legacy and a Little Tack Hammer

What kind of legacy are you leaving?

Little things can bring back memories and reinforce our legacy: what kind of legacy are we are leaving behind.