Two Minute Meditations (Page 23)

Upside Down Blessings

Can you see the good in the bad?

Bad things can be turned into blessings by God.

Hoof, Anvil, Fire, Wall, or Junk Pile

Where did you put your faith?

Our faith can either be real and shaping us to be useful to God or it can be discarded or nothing more than a good luck charm.

The Power of One Woman

What difference can one lady do?

Rosa Parks is just one example of many women whose lives of faith have great changed the world.

Season of Longer Darkness

What season is it in your life?

There are times of trials and difficulties are a long season of darkness, but in the middle, God brings times of joy.

Swept Clean

Does it do the job or does it simply make things look better for awhile?

We all need to deal with the real issue in our lives and not just the fake ones or the cosmetic ones.


When's the last time you thought about the your ultimate homecoming?

All earthly homecomings should remind us of our ultimate joyful homecoming to God.

Going Home

Where is your real home?

Heaven is our home, not earth, and we must live like heaven is our home.


Where is your primary citizenship?

Our first and primary citizenship must be our allegiance to the Kingdom of God.

The Forgotten Fuel

When's the last time you had a great rest?

We must guard and protect our sacred space, our time alone with God.

Am I a Goat, Too?

What can I learn about hard-hearted parishes in Louisiana?

Judging the hard-heartedness of some Louisiana parishes leads me to look at my own hard-heartedness.

Needed Notes of Grace

Have you heard this heavenly song lately?

Heaven's grace can be heard in the tune that is sung by God's people in worship, fellowship, and sacrifice.

His Little Ones!

What child have you touched with Jesus' grace lately?

Children are a blessing, a gift, and a responsibility: how we treat the least and most insignificant says a lot of how we would treat Jesus.

Land of Inbetween

Where are you living right now?

We spend much of our life between highs and lows, great times and bad times, and we must learn to use this time productively.

Seeing the Face of Jesus

Have you seen the Lord lately?

When Christians gather together for worship and fellowship, it is a holy moment.

EPIC Conversion

Do we need to go back and re-think the modern conversion experience?

Let's see conversion more wholistically -- an experience of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection in baptism that involves repentance, and confession of Jesus as Lord, and acceptance of him as Lord and Christ.

Opening Doors, Empowering Messengers

What are you doing to empower God's word?

Prayer empowers God's people and God's message.

Underestimating the Pull of Evil

How strong is the pull in your life?

We shouldn't play around with sin because it opens the door of heart to evil and satan.

Sweet Gracious Relief!

When is the last time someone brought you refreshment?

A kind friend can bring refreshment to the parched soul of another friend.

Can We Find Truth?

Is there truth that can be trusted?

Jesus is the only absolute -- truth is found only in him.

Independence Day

What did it cost to purchase our independence?

Independece Day reminds us of our real and ultimate independence purchased by the Cross and the Empty Tomb.

Beyond Intentions

What really matters to the emerging group of young adults?

Rather than fearing the new group of young adults, we should embrace them and hope to influence them for Christ.

Guys, Let's Realize Our Importance as Fathers

Is there still a place for a man's man to honor God?

Remembering the importance of men as fathers in our world.

Passing It Along

Who are you living to bless?

We must live to pass along our faith to several generations, not just our kids.


What are we really worth?

Memorial Day should make us also think of communion and Jesus' sacrifice for us.

Taking Flight

Are our

A group of baby birds in a flower basket nest remind us of the key three things for all of us as week to take flight for God!