We mustn't be distracted by the discussions about Jesus' return and lose sight of what is crucial about our discipleship.
05/16/2005 by Phil Ware
Jesus used the 50 days after Pentecost to change and transform the broken disciples into world-changers.
05/09/2005 by Phil Ware
We will find the presence of Jesus in our lives when we are willing to be his presence in the lives of others.
05/02/2005 by Phil Ware
Ministry is basically two things: giving and serving!
04/25/2005 by Phil Ware
When we grow up, we want to be like Jesus!
04/18/2005 by Phil Ware
Church must be more than a gathering of strangers, there must be genuine and real community and fellowship.
04/11/2005 by Phil Ware
Worhip is more than what happens on Sunday in our holy box.
04/04/2005 by Phil Ware
Jesus' resurrection fills all of our life with meaning.
03/28/2005 by Phil Ware
What Satan intends for harm, God can turn around for good if we will trust him to be at work in our worst of situations and nothing proves this quite like Easter.
03/21/2005 by Phil Ware
The resurrection of Jesus changes everything, but mostly us.
03/14/2005 by Phil Ware
God cares about all people, all races, all nationalities in a tragedy and so should we.
03/07/2005 by Phil Ware
Fear can paralyze and immobilize us if we let it be our master.
02/28/2005 by Phil Ware
We get behind and stay behind because we don't pray.
02/15/2005 by Phil Ware
We are a forgetful people and lose so many valuable things of faith because we don't remember what God has done.
02/07/2005 by Phil Ware
Is the high cost of freedom worth the price? Am I living up to the price paid for my freedom?
01/31/2005 by Phil Ware
The eternal part of us, our life, is hidden away with Christ in God and glory awaits.
01/24/2005 by Phil Ware
In a world of darkness, an intensely focused life is going to emit a lot of light in our dark world.
01/17/2005 by Phil Ware
We must take time to pause and rest in the gracious presence of God.
01/10/2005 by Phil Ware
The New Year's resolutions that we committed to keep begin in earnest today and they won't be possible without the help of God because there are no simple changes.
01/03/2005 by Phil Ware
We are called to live for Jesus after the Christmas lights quit twinkling.
12/27/2004 by Phil Ware
We are thankful for our brothers' birthdays, but our Big Brother's birthday is the most important of them all.
12/20/2004 by Phil Ware
Little things mean a great deal during the Christmas season. Let's not forget to do them.
12/13/2004 by Phil Ware
We can survive times of trouble, trials, and temptation if we prepare.
12/06/2004 by Phil Ware
So often we get behind and don't know how to catch up; how about listening to God and what he tells us?
11/29/2004 by Phil Ware