Two Minute Meditations (Page 8)

The Wrong Direction

Which way would you run?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Story and focuses on both the events at the Boston Marathon and West Texas and also on Paul's confident hope in the face of his death in a Roman prison.

The Story: Three Windows of Grace

Isn't it time for a little church remodeling?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Story and focuses on the church at Antioch and the grace that empowered the church to be all God intended it to be.

The Story: Second Incarnation

Can I really experience Jesus today?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Story focusing on the early chapters of Acts and the coming of the Spirit and the work done in the name of Jesus!

The Story: Garments of Grace

How can these grave clothes speak of a better hope?

Phil Ware continues his series that parallels The Story and he brings us to the resurrection of Jesus through the humiliation of his disciples and himself and tying his message to the garments of Jesus.

The Story: The Hour of Darkness

What do you do when darkness descends and envelopes everything?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Story and this week focuses on the The Hour of Darkness, Jesus' time on the cross and his crucifixion and passion.

My Deliverer Is Coming!

What is the

Phil Ware continues with his series on The Story focusing on the What Is and Who Is and the Why Is of Jesus' coming.

The Story: Jesus' Ministry Begins

Why does Jesus' ministry begin with John?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Story and reminds us that we can all be John the Baptist, the baptizer, to people around us.

The Story: U!

So we know a lot about Jesus' birth, but what does it mean?

Phil Ware gets us back into The Story by taking us to Jesus' birth and looking from the prologue of the Gospel of John to try to understand what it means.

Some Things just Matter More!

A touching reminder of why we do some very simple, but important things!

Phil Ware shares a recent heart-gripping moment they had with their compassion child from Uganda and what it all means as he remembers a trip from 5 years ago with Compassion Bloggers.

The Story: Rebuild and Restore

How can you tell how we are doing with our spirituality?

Phil Ware takes us back to The Story, God's story and our story and reminds us that while rebuilding infrastructure for a city and country is hard, it is even harder to rebuild the morale, moral, and faith foundation.

God Put His SIGnature on You!

Can you see God's signature on his masterpiece?

Phil Ware reminds us that we are all God's gifted children and that God has put his signature on each of us in three different ways.

What is Core: Christyle

So do we make people think of Jesus?

Phil Ware continues his series on What is Core by calling us to true discipleship, people being conformed to be like Jesus and living out the cross, burial, and resurrection in their lives.

What is Core: Communion

When we gather in Jesus' name, something transcendent happens: He is there with us!

Phil Ware talks about what is core to our faith and then ties it to everyday meals as well as our celebration of the Lord's Supper.

What is Core: Baptism

Finding God's place for us to connect with Jesus' saving work.

Phil Ware continues his series on What is Core by talking about baptism and why it is important.

What Is Core: Love

Becoming like God in His most known virtue!

Phil Ware continues his series on what is core and focuses on love and what it is and how Jesus and God demonstrate it.

What is Core: Jesus

What is most important?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages on what is core, or what is at the heart of what we must believe?

Thank You, Jesus!

What else can you say, but thank you?

Phil Ware shares a collection of Scriptures that talk about the significance of Jesus' birth.

Beginnings in Endings: Mary Did You Know?

Mary's simple life was about to come to a dramatic end!

Phil Ware finishes the year 2012 with two powerful posts or articles about Jesus' birth and the people gathered around him, and emphasizes that God's greatest beginnings are found in hard endings.

When Our Star first Began to Shine

It's Been up There a long, long Time!

Phil Ware writes about the Christmas star that actually began to shine many years before the Magi found it!

Moving beyond the Ashes

How do you restore the joy to life and ministry again?

Phil Ware talks about burn out and how God restored Elijah to ministry and freshness after his great victory on Mt. Carmel and his collapse in the desert.

The Long Wait

Aren't you glad Christmas is coming even on Thanksgiving?

Phil Ware talks about how important it is that Thanksgiving is followed by Christmas and he shares a personal story to remind us it is true!

Coming Home

Have you ever wondered how God feels on his end of things?

Phil Ware shares about his son coming for Thanksgiving and it reminds him how much God must anticipate his children coming home to him.


How do we keep the concerns from stealing our thanksgiving?

Phil Ware talks about how to keep thanksgiving a part of our daily lives even though we face challenging times.

Getting Our Worship Cart out of the Ditch

So how are we to worship?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Story this week focusing on David and Uzzah and the Ark of God.

God's Bridge to better Things

Rejection and disappointment can gut the passion of God's leaders!

Phil Ware is continuing his trip through The Story and focusing this week on the life, ministry and book of Samuel.