Phil Ware concludes his four-part series on Jesus' Passion called seed, towel, promise, and torchlight.
04/06/2023 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his series on Seed, Towel, Promise, and Torchlight, focusing this week on the power of Jesus' promise in the face of his own impending death.
03/30/2023 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his series on Seed, Towel, Promise, and Torchlight focusing on common elements in our world, our lives, that Jesus used to join our hearts to his love.
03/23/2023 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his four week series on seed, towel, promise, and torchlight focusing on the power of the Seed to overcome dirt, darkness, and death.
03/16/2023 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware begins a four week series on seed, towel, promise, and torchlight as he looks at Jesus' last hours on earth and what they mean for us.
03/09/2023 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware looks at Mark 6:1-6 and reminds us that this story is for us because we are Jesus' family, relatives, and hometown!
03/02/2023 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware reminds us that Jesus affirmed Peter's value and his return to useful service BEFORE Peter's stumbling denials by the fire.
02/23/2023 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware reminds us of the divine titles for Jesus in Matthew 1 and then drives home the point that this divine Christ, Messiah, Son of God, Immanuel, God with us, came to us as the child, Jesus.
02/16/2023 by Phil Ware
Dan Bouchelle reminds us of another story of the nativity, a violent one, a clash between heaven and hell, good and evil, the evil red dragon and the Christ child.
12/21/2021 by Dan Bouchelle
Phil Ware completes his four part series on growing to become like Jesus through the transformative work of the Holy Spirit, the transformation that Jesus promises us when we choose to follow him as his disciple.
09/02/2021 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware shares article three in his four-part series on being transformed to become like Jesus.
08/26/2021 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his series on Jesus and transformation and focuses today on our walking with Jesus each day in the gospels and learning his words and talking with him and taking on on his character and compassion as the Spirit transforms us.
08/19/2021 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware's first in a four article series on Jesus' work of transformation in us, this week, we are called to follow Jesus.
08/12/2021 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware shares insight on how the resurrected Jesus forgave and empowered his his 11 disciples through his radical forgiveness.
08/05/2021 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware challenges us to look at our identity built around the question of 'Who are you?' and the answer framed by the work of Jesus.
07/29/2021 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware reminds us that the Lord is close and we have a right to long to know his presence is real and is near.
07/22/2021 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware invites into the "Andrew Effect" and reminds us that Jesus promised to be present with us as we live out the four moves of Phil calls the Andrew Effect
07/15/2021 by Phil Ware
Max Lucado reminds us the real price tag for greed.
05/11/2021 by Max Lucado
Phil Ware compares Jesus to a keyhole through which we look at God and the closer we get to Jesus the more clearly we see God and gives us a reading plan to discover more!
05/06/2021 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware takes a moment to remind us of the importance of serving those who are caregivers and holding them up as heroes and recognizing that these people are considered precious in God's Kingdom.
04/29/2021 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware writes about leaving a legacy with his children and grandchildren to pass on faith and be passionate disciples of Jesus.
04/15/2021 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware provides a host of resources on prayer and how to grow our prayer lives.
03/25/2021 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware focuses on Jesus, the New Testament, the Bible teaches about the value, importance, and role of women in God's unfolding plan of grace.
03/11/2021 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware pauses and looks at the pain of grieving parents at the loss of a child and reminds us to forgo easy answers and cling to the stories and promises of Jesus.
03/04/2021 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware reminds us that God said almost exactly the same words to his Son twice, yet he spoke the first time to affirm his Son and the second time to let us know we must listen to the Son.
02/25/2021 by Phil Ware