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The Greater Gift

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Each year the fund raising department of St. Jude's Children's Hospital receives hundreds of donations. Recently they were astounded by a most unusual and generous gift.

In Memphis, Tennessee, St. Jude's Children's Hospital treats young people stricken with catastrophic illness. If parents can't afford the treatment, they can still bring their sick children to St. Jude's. It's a marvelous place for caring and healing.

Recently their fund raising department received a million dollar winning game piece from McDonald's from an anonymous donor in the mail. Rather than cashing in the huge prize, this kind person mailed it directly to St. Jude's. This gift will be used to treat thousands of hurting children.

This gesture reminds us of an even GREATER gift. Our Lord could have held onto his heavenly dwelling, but as Paul tells the Philippians, Jesus "did not consider equality with God somethign to be grasped, but humbled himself and became obedient to death -- even death on a cross." (Philippians 2:6b,8b) Jesus gave up his life so that you and I could be saved. So we could be healed of our diseased soul brought on by our own sin.

The next time you go by a McDonald's or pass a hospital, remind yourself of this great sacrifice the Lord made on your behalf.

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