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Dealing with Divorce

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Almost never do I devote a program in honor of one person. But recently when I was in Washington meeting with Caring Touch listeners, I met a very special friend; I'll call him Allen. He's dealing with the problem and the rejection of divorce. Allen, this program is dedicated to you.

My friend Dr. Tony Ash has written a book called Dealing with Divorce. I want you to have a FREE copy if you are viewing this today, because I want to share it with not only Allen, but everyone who is dealing with this very difficult, very painful reality. You need all the spiritual resources that can be gained, you need to know that God is for you, you need to know that Christian friends will pray for you, that you're not a second-class citizen in the Kingdom of God, that Jesus Christ is your Lord and your master, and that there is joy in Him, even though you are living by yourself at present.

The path to healing and wholeness comes when you are at peace with God. In Jesus Christ, we're given the resources for dealing with the problems in our lives, especially including divorce. Perhaps this resource will help you: Dealing with Divorce, by Dr. Tony Ash.

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For help on dealing with divorce, call 1-800-759-3300 and ask for the FREE book, "Dealing with Divorce" or ask for any of their other free resources. May God bless you!