"God might want you to extend his love by offering to baby-sit for the single parent down the street. He might want you to prepare a hearty meal for that lonely old man who lost his wife — and to sit and visit with him while he eats. Who knows, he might even want you to reach out and touch the life of a total stranger in some way you can't imagine right now. Are you willing to set aside your own comfort to touch someone else with God's love?"
— Amy Nappa
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"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just."
"Do not desire crosses, unless you have borne well those laid on you; it is an abuse to long after martyrdom while unable to bear an insult patiently."
"I clearly recognize that all good is in God alone, and that in me, without Divine Grace, there is nothing but deficiency... The one sole thing in myself in..."
"When God turns away from us because of selfishness, it is not rejection. Rather, it is an invitation to follow Him to a place we would rather not go."
"[After hearing of the plan to kill Paul,] the commander called two of his officers and ordered, "Get 200 soldiers ready to leave for Caesarea at nine..."
"Dear Disciple,
While involving yourself in Christian assembly and gathering together with believers for encouragement, exhortation and worship are..."
"Jesus responded [about Zacchaeus], "Salvation has come to this home today, for this man has shown himself to be a true son of Abraham. For the Son of...."
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