Jesus had just taught hard and difficult truths. The crowd was angry and left because the Lord told them they only followed him because he fed them. As the crowd of less committed "disciples turned back and no longer followed him," Jesus asked his closest disciples if they would forsake him, too. Peter's response was a confession of faith. He knew where all truth originated! He had heard the voice on the Mountain saying, "This is my Son, whom I love; listen to him!" (Mark 9:7) Peter had seen Jesus' words change reality, still our storms, destroy all barriers to God's love, and clarify God's truth and demands for righteousness. Indeed, Peter knew that no one else had the words of eternal life! So Jesus comes to us and asks us to identify the voices we allow to shape our lives and realize that only Jesus has the words of eternal life!
My Prayer...
Almighty God, thank you for making Jesus so accessible to me. Jesus helps me see the full extent of your love. Jesus helps me understand your message about wanting to lovingly redeem me and make me your own. I want to always come to Jesus for truth, grace, refreshment, and hope. There is no one I want to be my Lord except my crucified Savior, Jesus, who proved his love for me. Today, Father, gently confront me in areas where I have yet to yield entirely to your Son's lordship. In the precious name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Friday, August 25, 2023
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