God is not about condemnation. I know that Satan got that rumor started a long time ago, but please don't believe his lies! God is not some cruel teacher looking to flunk his students because they fail. God is not some cantankerous judge looking to shame, humiliate, and punish all who appear before him. God is not some gossip spreading rumors about our shortcomings across the neighborhoods of heaven. The one true and living God wants to bless us with his salvation. He wants to dispense his mercy and grace among us and on us generously. He wants us to be his beloved children. However, God is also holy, righteous, majestic, and just. So when God's gracious desires for us collide with his call for righteous character to be found in us, there is only one solution. Jesus came to fulfill God's righteous demands with his gracious provision of mercy. God sent Jesus to save sinners like us. Jesus came to save people from all nations, races, and cultures from sin and the penalty of sin. Jesus came to save us, not condemn us!
My Prayer...
I praise you, O God, for your desire to save me. I thank you for demanding holiness from me. I thank you for calling me to righteousness so that my life will be a blessing to others and not a burden. I thank you for challenging me to have your holy character so that others can see your glory in my good deeds. So please use me, Father. I know I am flawed, but I want to be one of your tools, letting the lost know about your mercy and grace in Jesus. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
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About This Devotional
Today's Verse is a free daily devotional that includes a Bible verse, thought and prayer.
The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware.
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