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Sarah lived long enough to see Isaac grow into a strong young man. Then at the age of 127, she died. Abraham bought a plot of land with the cave of Machpelah on it, and in that hillside cemetery Abraham buried Sarah.
The death of one that belongs to the LORD is precious in his sight.
PSALM 116:15
Abraham and Sarah had been partners on an incredible journey since their days in Ur, and their shared travels had brought them a closeness that caused Abraham to mourn deeply at her death. God tells of Abrahams sadness and his desire to bury Sarahs body, and for the first time God tells of the tears connected with physical death. God didnt take away Abrahams sadness, but God is the God of all comfort.
When Abraham died many years later, he was buried with Sarah in the cave of Machpelah. In spite of never laying claim to any land but a burial plot, Abraham had walked from river to river in the promised land, forging a profound companionship with the God of promise.
God is the Father who is full of mercy and all comfort.
Gods family was born of courageous and faithful stock, and the God of Abraham must have been pleased with this man he described as a friend.
Reflection: Our struggle with death is an inevitable part of the human experience. God knows our fears, our sorrow, our loneliness, and although he does not shield us from pain, for that is part of life after the Garden, he stays close by, shares our burden, and gives us hope and comfort.
HEARTLIGHT® Magazine is a ministry of loving Christians and the Westover Hills church of Christ.
Edited by Phil Ware and Paul Lee.
Text copyright © 1997, Multnomah Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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