Seeking God
I noticed in the paper a few months back, where some folks
were pouring milk over their elephant gods in India, and all of a
sudden one of them thought that the stone images were drinking
the milk! And the milk disappeared...but actually the stone was
absorbing it, as the scientists found out.
But in their haste to respond to their stone god, the people
in that region of India created shortages of milk! They bought
gallons of milk to pour on the gods, trying again and again to
get the gods' attention.
I'm so thankful that I have a God who knows me personally,
sought me out, that continues to seek me out, and listens to my
prayers, and loves me, even when I mess up and do the very things
I ought not to do. He still loves me!
What kind of God do you have? Make the rest of today a
better day. Seek to know and serve the God who seeks after you.
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HEARTLIGHT(sm) Magazine is a
ministry of loving Christians and the Westover Hills church of Christ.
Making Life Work for Your Family, produced by Ambassador
Advertising Agency for Dr. Paul Faulkner, Copyright (c) 1995.
HEARTLIGHT and the flared heart design are service marks of Heartlight, Inc.