No Graven Images
I always kind of wondered why God said in one of the ten
commandments, "You should have no graven images." Did
you know that research done lately validates what comes through
our eyes, as a whole visual picture, somehow can wire around our
brain and get to our gut without our even thinking about it? Just
bypass our thought process altogether!
Our God is a reasoned God, a reasonable God. That's why he
revealed himself in the Bible, in words to be pondered, meditated
upon, considered. And that's why the Good Book says, "Come,
let us reason together."
So maybe today, TV has become our new graven image
that we shouldn't look on. Because some of the scenes that we see
can so easily jump around our brain, beyond our logic, and
influence us to do things emotionally that we otherwise wouldn't
So make the rest of today a better day; get to know the God
you read about in the Bible.
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HEARTLIGHT(sm) Magazine is a
ministry of loving Christians and the Westover Hills church of Christ.
Making Life Work for Your Family, produced by Ambassador
Advertising Agency for Dr. Paul Faulkner, Copyright (c) 1995.
HEARTLIGHT and the flared heart design are service marks of Heartlight, Inc.