Balancing Priorities
Did you read about Bill Galston lately? He's the Clinton
aide who quit his job at the White House to be with his son. And
he's not the only dad who's moving contrary to culture. Roger
Brown, the CEO at Bright Horizons Children's Center wrote,
"I often struggle with the realization that my company could
probably be further along, if I were willing to work and travel
more. But that success would be hollow if it came at the expense
of my children."
It all has to do with balancing priorities. Work is
important, because that's how we provide for our families. On the
other hand, we can carry anything to an extreme, and too often we
are driven by the desire to make a name for ourselves. Not
providing for our families, rather getting to the top, being
number one... I'm not even sure you can help a corporation all
that much if you're driven by those motives. What do you think?
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HEARTLIGHT(sm) Magazine is a
ministry of loving Christians and the Westover Hills church of Christ.
Making Life Work for Your Family, produced by Ambassador
Advertising Agency for Dr. Paul Faulkner, Copyright (c) 1995.
HEARTLIGHT and the flared heart design are service marks of Heartlight, Inc.