Love is...
Sometimes, we're a little sloppy about the way we use words.
If we're not careful, it carries over into the way we think.
Probably no word has been more misused, or overused, than the
word "love." We talk about loving ice cream and cake,
loving cars, we listen to songs about love, and watch actors love
on television.
But the Bible talks about love, too. It says
"love" a little different. It says, "Love rejoices
in the right, is patient and kind, never insists on its own way,
it's not jealous, boastful, rude irritable, or resentful."
If this use of the word "love" doesn't square with the
way we have thought about it before, maybe we need to take a few
minutes to reevaluate and think again.
So let's make the rest of today work a little better by
considering the Biblical picture of love, instead of the Broadway
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HEARTLIGHT(sm) Magazine is a
ministry of loving Christians and the Westover Hills church of Christ.
Making Life Work for Your Family, produced by Ambassador
Advertising Agency for Dr. Paul Faulkner, Copyright (c) 1995.
HEARTLIGHT and the flared heart design are service marks of Heartlight, Inc.