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Just Another Day in Palestine, by Scott Owings

    I used to be a paralytic...
...in body? Yes! But more so in spirit.

    You see, my heart was icy, my soul empty, my strength wasted, and my mind dulled. On the outside, I thought I looked pretty good. On the inside, I was slowly losing it. And then one day everything changed. Looking back, it was one of the greatest days of my life. Four church buddies appeared. They had such a look of determination and compassion in their eyes. They were taking me away; I had no choice but to let them. Come to find out, they had a friend for me to meet.

    When we arrived, I thought we would just turn back. It was a huge crowd. “Why not just take me home?” I wondered. But those four friends persisted. After lifting me up in prayer, I was then lowered down to their friend’s side.

    I heard strange, but wonderful, words about a kingdom of God. When he first saw me, he stared into my emptiness with penetrating eyes that said, “I know who you are, you paralytic.” His piercing eyes saw my icy heart, my empty soul, my wasted body, and my dull mind.

    He then looked up, winking at those four friends of mine. Yes, they had something that I lacked: faith in this man’s power. After what seemed like an eternity, he spoke to me. “Son,” he said. Wait, how can this man about my age be my father, unless...unless, he is...God? If that weren’t enough, he thundered: “...your sins are forgiven!”

An outpouring of love filled my spirit, soul, and body.
    My heart stirred. At first, I felt only the terrorizing pain of all my mistakes, all the self-serving deeds and thoughtless words. His word cut through my heart, exposing the dirt, the filth, of my evil ways. Just when I thought I could bear the guilt no longer, the pain subsided; an outpouring of love filled my spirit, soul, and body. I felt like laughing, crying, and singing all at the same time.

    As I looked up at those eyes, I was drawn to him even more. Yes, I had seen this One all my life, but only dimly and from afar. I had the strange longing to know this man; to be just like him. He then lifted me up, touching my body with his healing touch. Of course, I could never be like him, but from now on I would work for him with all the strength I had. As my paralysis was lifting, I noticed that the fog and bog of the past—all the cobwebs that clouded my mind from thinking, discerning, and understanding clearly—were swept away. I actually began to see again the beauty of the flowers, the grain of the wood, and the love in the eyes of my four buddies.

    Of course, those around me couldn’t understand what happened to me. In fact, very few even today understand the change. But it was real; I now know who I am—I am his son. I have been made whole—my sins have been forgiven. I have a mission—to pick up my mat and walk.

    Thank you, dear friends, for bringing me to Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for my new life; for revealing my identity, for forgiving my sins, and for calling me to mission. May I be a friend, bringing others to you—my friend, Son of Man, Son of God!


HEARTLIGHT(R) Magazine is a ministry of loving Christians and the Westover Hills church of Christ.
Edited by Phil Ware and Paul Lee.
Copyright © 1996-97, Heartlight, Inc., 8332 Mesa Drive, Austin, TX 78759.
Article copyright 1998, Scott Owings. May be reprinted and reused for non-commercial purposes only if copyright credits are appropriately displayed.
HEARTLIGHT and the flared heart design are service marks of Heartlight, Inc.