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Illustrated Bible Verses to Encourage and Uplift Christians

The Heart Gallery is a collection of thousands of inspirational images featuring bible verses about Christian living. Browse our featured, newest, and most popular images or browse the collection by books of the bible.
Illustration of the Bible Verse Philippians 2:14-15
Illustration of the Bible Verse Philippians 2:14-15
Illustration of the Bible Verse Psalm 35:22-23
Illustration of the Bible Verse Psalm 69:30
Illustration of the Bible Verse Daniel 12:3
Illustration of the Bible Verse Make a Wish!
Illustration of the Bible Verse You Take the Cake!
Illustration of the Bible Verse Birthday Presents
Illustration of the Bible Verse You Light Up My Life!
Illustration of the Bible Verse Wishing you...
Illustration of the Bible Verse Happy Birthday!
Illustration of the Bible Verse May Your Dreams...
Illustration of the Bible Verse Feliz Cumpleanos!
Illustration of the Bible Verse Happy Birthday To You!
Illustration of the Bible Verse Season's Greetings
Illustration of the Bible Verse Ephesians 5:3
Illustration of the Bible Verse John 3:20-21
Illustration of the Bible Verse 2 Corinthians 6:14
Illustration of the Bible Verse Deuteronomy 24:19
Illustration of the Bible Verse Hebrews 2:17
Illustration of the Bible Verse Psalm 69:17-18
Illustration of the Bible Verse Hebrews 2:18
Illustration of the Bible Verse James 3:16
Illustration of the Bible Verse John 1:2-3
Illustration of the Bible Verse Joshua 1:8
Illustration of the Bible Verse Ephesians 1:14
Illustration of the Bible Verse Titus 1:15
Illustration of the Bible Verse Ephesians 1:17-20
Illustration of the Bible Verse Deuteronomy 1:21
Illustration of the Bible Verse 1 Peter 1:23
Illustration of the Bible Verse Genesis 1:26
Illustration of the Bible Verse Genesis 1:27
Illustration of the Bible Verse Deuteronomy 1:29-30
Illustration of the Bible Verse 1 Corinthians 1:30-31
Illustration of the Bible Verse Proverbs 1:29,31
Illustration of the Bible Verse Jonah 2:1-2
Illustration of the Bible Verse Proverbs 2:11
Illustration of the Bible Verse Jeremiah 2:12-13
Illustration of the Bible Verse Joel 2:13
Illustration of the Bible Verse Malachi 2:16
Illustration of the Bible Verse Isaiah 2:17-18
Illustration of the Bible Verse Genesis 2:18
Illustration of the Bible Verse Joel 2:21
Illustration of the Bible Verse Acts 2:23
Illustration of the Bible Verse Genesis 2:24
Illustration of the Bible Verse John 2:25
Illustration of the Bible Verse Jeremiah 2:28
Illustration of the Bible Verse 1 Corinthians 3:3
Illustration of the Bible Verse Matthew 3:2
Illustration of the Bible Verse Genesis 3:6