God's Holy Fire: 'Jesus Is Lord'

Friday, October 17, 2025

So I want you to know that no one speaking by the Spirit of God will curse Jesus, and no one can say Jesus is Lord, except by the Holy Spirit.
— 1 Corinthians 12:3 NLT

Key Thought

As we think of God as Father, Son, and Spirit, our minds quickly become overwhelmed. God is greater than our greatest thought and is more complex than our most insightful moment can help us comprehend. But there is a truth that I believe we can all understand. The Spirit will never lead us to say anything untruthful or unholy about God — as Father, Son, or Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God convicts us of the truth, gives us insight into the truth, and empowers us to declare the truth. To be able to confess Christ as Lord with a heart full of faith is a declaration of our commitment and is also testimony to God's grace. The Holy Spirit unlocks our minds and empowers our hearts to confess Jesus as Lord!

Today's Prayer

Father in heaven, because of your grace and the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus, I confidently confess that Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord of all things, seen and unseen, and I want him to be Lord of my heart as I seek to live the lifestyle of your Kingdom. I know my ability to submit to you and truly live as your disciple comes as a gift through your grace and the leading of the blessed Holy Spirit. I offer you — Father, Son, and Spirit — my thanks! Amen.


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Friday, October 17, 2025

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Illustration of 1 Corinthians 12:3 NLT — So I want you to know that no one speaking by the Spirit of God will curse Jesus, and no one can say Jesus is Lord, except by the Holy Spirit.

About This Devotional

God's Holy Fire is a daily devotional about the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

The Thoughts and Prayer for God's Holy Fire are written by Phil Ware.

Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
Scripture quotations marked MESSAGE are taken from THE MESSAGE, copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress. All rights reserved. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.