Day 61: 4,000 Letters from Harding March 31, 1998 Tuesday Evening 8:30 P.M. Dear Family, Efforts today continued on the appeal process. Jerry is ready to discuss the methods and procedures with the Lao attorney plus propose additional evidence that was not available at the trial. The American Embassy continues to provide information and recommends positive steps to resolve the "international incident" that your telephone calls, letters and emails have created between the Laotian and American governments. We are so thankful for the outpouring of compassion from people all over the world for the Laos 10 while everyday the newspapers are full of unimaginable tragedies like Jonesboro. Truly, God's people respect no barriers created by governments or social systems but "work that which is good toward all men, and especially toward them that are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10 Just have to share a few more wonderful things that God's people are doing around the world for the ten remaining Lao Christians in the Thatdam jail (I hope you have figured out that the Lao word "Thatdam" is pronounced "tot dom" and not "that dam jail" as some have mistakenly or deliberately referred to it).
This message today from Gordan & Jane Hogan at Harding: Dear Ken & Jean, We praise Him from whom all blessings flow for the release of the three and continue to pray that the ten will soon be returned to their families. Four thousand students in chapel this morning here at Harding were given a sample letter addressed to the Lao Ambassador in Washington and were requested to write a letter in their own words. Love, Gordon & Jane
This note today from Jack Lewis, an elder of the Mesa Church of Christ in Mesa, Arizona that supports Ken & Jean Fox:
Hey brother! Got your message this morning about the release of the grandmothers -great news! Be assured that all of us here in Mesa have not slacked off on praying and letter writing on the behalf of the Magnificent 13....correction Ten. As you are aware, brothers and sisters from around the world are actively involved, and that includes Xavier Franco and all the Mexican brethren. He has been kept up to date and in turn, passes on the latest info. to all the churches in Tijuana and from there it goes out to most of the churches in Mexico! It seems to me that one benefit of this persecution is already being realized. The body of Christ is more conscious of all its members, around the world, than ever before. We are working with new energy and enthusiasm for the Lord, because of the faith and trials of our unseen family in Laos. God is indeed working through this frightening ordeal to raise up His faithful, not only in Southeast Asia, but in Mesa and around the world.
You remain in our hearts and prayers,
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