Day 83: Allisons & McDonoughs in Vientiane! Wednesday April 22, 1998 10 A.M. Dear Family, God continues to do above and beyond what we can ask or think about the Laos situation. We'll write later about the events of the last two weeks in southern Thailand, but here is what happened yesterday. Tommy & Mary Alice Allison and Jean and I met Bill & Marie Claire McDonough in Bangkok at 6 A.M. Tuesday. We talked and planned till 8 A.M., then they headed for the airport and we drove to Udorn. Phonsawan & John David met them at the airport and it was love at first sight. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs had two week courtesy visas waiting for them at the airport. They rode in two tuk-tuks to Jerry's house, evaluated the housing situation, and then dropped their luggage at the Asian Hotel before going to their first meeting at 2 P.M. Mr. Chacky at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) office was all smiles. Tommy thinks the Lao officials thought that the Partners in Progress (PIP) trip was just a short visit. When Mr. Chacky found out that the Allisons came to stay, then he suggested that Tommy would need the PIP vehicles that the police had seized plus multiple entry visas. Mr. Chacky would not discuss details as that was the responsibility of Dr. Bounlay at the Vientiane Department of Health. They then headed to the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH)and met with Dr. Nao Boutta. They had a short friendly meeting. The MOPH was delighted that PIP is continuing the project, a meeting set up with Dr. Bounlay to discuss details, and Dr. Bounlay would tour them around the project. Tuesday afternoon and evening the team visited both houses still rented in Vientiane, picked up a computer printer at our house, and made plans for Wednesday during dinner at the hotel. An official from the American Embassy called that evening to postpone the meeting with the ambassador until Thursday morning. They called us twice in Udorn to discuss progress and we agreed on the following agenda for Wednesday's meeting.
The Allisons and McDonoughs were in very good spirits. They were tired but knew that God had blessed their first day in Vientiane. Tommy & Mary Alice agreed that their reception was positive and they will continue to pursue the goals of freeing the prisoners and continuing the PIP project. Wendy Chamberlin, the American Ambassador to Laos, faxed a message to Jerry Canfield April 20th with this black cloud: "Since I last wrote, signals from the government have not been as hopeful that an entirely satisfactory solution will be found." In addition, the Lao lawyer that we have retained, has now requested additional funds to expedite the case. Eighty-three days of jail has not weakened the resolve of the Laos Ten. During Bounlerth's last prison visit with Phonsawan he told her to again tell us that he is fine. His father has been ill with a fever and Phonsawan took him medicine last week. The one item the prisoners requested Tommy Allison to bring them was small cans of grape juice. Sounds like the Philippian spirit is still alive and well in Thatdam prison. Bill & Marie Claire McDonough plan to return through Udorn Thursday or Friday and will spend a day with us discussing Burma. Loren Hollingsworth is leaving Phuket, Thailand Thursday to spend two weeks in Burma planting and watering seed that has been sown there. He and I were planning to make the trip together if the Allison/McDonough trip didn't work out. The Foxes will now probably travel to Burma about the middle of May, again depending on progress in Vientiane. God has blessed the Allisons first day in Vientiane with a safe trip, encouraging news, and with positive and healthy fellow servants. Are the angels rejoicing as much as we are? Please pray that Tommy, Mary Alice, Bill, and Marie Claire will have wisdom and the love of Christ as they make their second round of meetings with the same folks that jailed and deported us and have kept ten Christians in a small, hot, dirty jail for 83 days. God bless, Ken & Jean Fox
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