Day 84:
The Ethiopian Spirit

April 22, 1998� 10:30 P.M. Wednesday

Dear Family,

The news from Vientiane is still all positive.� The team met with the Vientiane Department of Public Health today.� Dr. Bounlay was very cordial and the short meeting produced no major obstacles.� Tomorrow, they tour the Naxaythong District where PIP has drilled ten wells and built ten school latrines in cooperation with UNICEF.� Then they hope to get down to specifics; when will the vehicles be returned, when will our employees be released, when can we get back to work on the next ten schools?� Hopefully, the morning meeting with the American ambassador will also provide additional information on the future of the Laos Ten.�

The Allisons will probably move into Jerry's house Friday after a few more stops at the local markets for towels and necessities. The computer and printer are back from the shop so Mary Alice should be able to email and type soon. The McDonoughs will meet us at the Laos/Thailand Friendship Bridge Friday afternoon and we will drive to Udorn for our Burma planning meeting. Officials are calling the PIP office for information so it looks like the project will soon be back in business.� Lao officials have danced around the important question of the Laos Ten and their future.� Please make that the object of your prayers that the team will make positive progress in assisting the Laos Ten. An informed source has repeatedly told us that all pressure from American sources is interpreted by the old guard Laotian government as CIA related.� We continue to walk carefully trying to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.���

The following messages from Ethopia and the Ukraine were furnished by Jerry Canfield and are but two of hundreds of messages of support received from Christians around the world for the church in Vientiane. Thomas has translating these into Lao and they will be forwarded to the Laos Ten and their families tomorrow.�

>From Behailu, an Ethiopian brother in Christ to:

Brothers and sisters in Laos,

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ who died to save all man kind. When we first heard about your arrest we knew that it would be very hard on you and your families until God freed you again. We understand your situations more because we were once under a Communist dictatorship for well over seventeen years.� We are free people now after many years of revolutions, persecutions and trials.� I want to encourage you to stick to God and remain faithful.� Do not forget that God is in control.� Sometimes we do not understand why such tings happen to the children of God.� I want to tell you that we have an enemy that fights us at all times.� Satan wants us to go with him to hell but as children of God we must fight him back with the word of God.� Brothers we are more than conquers.� I would like for you to read the scripture from Romans 8:28-37.

Brethren, I would like to tell you that I have gone through many troubles and persecutions.� I have been in jail three times and my faith has been tested.� But with the help of almighty God, I was able to overcome that situation.� The reason for my arrest was simply I was a preaching the word of God.� You know, while I was in jail, I had plenty of time to talk to my God in prayers daily.� A sister in Christ, who was put to jail because she was carrying a Bible in her hand, was able to teach others also while she was in jail.� When we were released, I was able to baptized them.� No one can stop the word of God from spreading. I encourage you to remain calm and steadfast in prayers.� The good Lord will free you one day.� Don't forget our Lord has been accused falsely.� Think of the Apostles and the first century Christians - they were beaten, arrested and some had to die for what they believed.

We believe that the Lord is with you all and he will give you the strength and the faith to overcome your trials and afflictions.� I would like to tell you that the Church of Christ in Ethiopia - over 625 congregations - is fasting and praying in your behalf.� God is still able to do measurable more than what we ask or imagine.� Be faithful unto death.� We love you and think of you daily.

Yours in Christ,

Behailu and Churches in the land of Ethiopia


From the brethren in Kiev, Ukraine, one of the former republics of the Soviet Union:

We worship with the Obolon Church of Christ in Kiev, Ukraine.� The Obolon congregation has an average attendance of about 52.� When we heard about the Laotian Christians being jailed, we began praying for them.� Several members have sent letters to the Laotian Embassy in Washington.� The congregation also wanted to love not only in word but also in deed.� So they took up a special contribution.� Many gave out of their deep poverty but with a very real understanding of what a Communist government is like.� These Christians contributed an amount equal to about three weeks of their regular contribution.� We are enclosing a check for $100 to aid the families of the persecuted church.�


God bless all of you for your continued encouraging messages and prayers for the Laos Ten, the Phon Kheng Church of Christ, and for Tommy & Mary Alice Allison as they walk softly and carry no stick.

God bless,

Ken & Jean Fox
Udorn, Thailand

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