Logo Dynamic Life-Transforming Scripture Prayers Based on the Writings of the Great Apostle   Prayers from the Letters of Paul
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Heartlight wants to thank Eldon Degge and Meridian for permission to make this available on our website.

Praying with Paul is available in a very attractive book that may be ordered directly from Eldon Degge.

Also available from Eldon Degge is a free, downloadable copy of his book of blessings entitled, Outbound Blessings(90k).

  January 10 - Day 10

No Partiality

Romans 2:8-11
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Dear Father, holy and righteous judge,

I know that you will render to every man according to his works. To those who are factious and obey wickedness instead of the truth, there will be wrath and fury.

You have foretold tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil, to the Jew first and also the non-Jew, but glory and honor and peace for every one who does good, to the Jew first and also to the non-Jew. For you show no partiality.

Help me do what is good, but not out of my own resources, for my goodness is unacceptable to you. Help me do what is good by living in and for Christ, whose goodness you will accept.

By your grace alone am I saved, as I entrust my soul to you. Thank you that you will impute Christ's righteousness to me on this basis.

In the name of Jesus I ask for your acceptance through my faith. Amen.

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