Spiritual Warfare: 'Loose Women Are Dangerous Traps'

God's Power for Our Battles — Sunday, March 9, 2025

A prostitute is a dangerous trap; a promiscuous woman is as dangerous as falling into a narrow well. She hides and waits like a robber, eager to make more men unfaithful.
— Proverbs 23:27-28 NLT

Today's Prayer

Lord, deliver me from sexual immorality. Help me to avoid this sinful state. Remind me that You created sexual pleasure and our desire for fulfillment in that area, but that it should only be enjoyed by those living in the covenant relationship You called marriage. And help me to honor Your pattern for marriage since the beginning of creation: a man and a woman. Lord, we all have sexual desires we should not fulfill; some of us have homosexual desires we shouldn’t fulfill, while others have heterosexual ones they shouldn’t fulfill. Help me deny myself, take up my cross, and follow You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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Illustration of Proverbs 23:27-28 NLT — A prostitute is a dangerous trap; a promiscuous woman is as dangerous as falling into a narrow well. She hides and waits like a robber, eager to make more men unfaithful.

About This Devotional

Spiritual Warfare is a daily devotional about God's power for our battles.

The Prayer for Spiritual Warfare is written by Steve Hemphill.