Spiritual Warfare: 'Don’t Focus on Getting Revenge'

God's Power for Our Battles — Tuesday, November 11, 2025

My friends, do not try to punish others when they wrong you, but wait for God to punish them with his anger. It is written: ‘I will punish those who do wrong; I will repay them,’ says the Lord. But you should do this: If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink. Doing this will be like pouring burning coals on his head. Do not let evil defeat you, but defeat evil by doing good.
— Romans 12:19-21 NCV

Today's Prayer

Lord, forgive me for wishing bad things to happen to my enemies. Help me to forgive others — just as You have forgiven me. Help me to learn to be kind to all those around me — even those who continually choose to treat me badly. I leave that in Your hands, Lord, and trust You to do what’s needed and best for them. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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Illustration of Romans 12:19-21 NCV — My friends, do not try to punish others when they wrong you, but wait for God to punish them with his anger. It is written: ‘I will punish those who do wrong; I will repay them,’ says the Lord. But you should do this: If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink. Doing this will be like pouring burning coals on his head. Do not let evil defeat you, but defeat evil by doing good.

About This Devotional

Spiritual Warfare is a daily devotional about God's power for our battles.

The Prayer for Spiritual Warfare is written by Steve Hemphill.