October 19, 1987 is known as "Black Monday". It was a day when the New York Stock Exchange experienced a
508-point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Of course, that simply brought the Dow Jones average back
to where it stood at the end of 1986, but to hear the media analysts describe it, you'd arrive at the conclusion that
the world had come to an end.
It is amazing how much of an impact money has on our lives. It touches every area of life: career, family, leisure.
It also touches our spiritual lives. Maybe that is why Jesus talked more about money than anything else. In 16 of
the 38 parables Jesus talked about money. The Bible itself offers about 500 verses on prayer, and fewer than 500
on faith. There are more than 2,000 verses dealing with money!
Because money impacted their lives so much, the early church we read in Acts 2:45 "sold their possessions and
goods, and divided among all, as anyone had need." The early church looked out for one another and invested
financially in what God was doing.
Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (Matthew 6:21) Where is your heart?