Many romantics prefer June weddings, yet many people don't know the reason
why June is the wedding month.� The practice comes from the ancient Romans
who favored this month, not only because June was dedicated to Juno, the
goddess of marriage, but for another practical reason.� A June wedding
meant the bride would be able to help with the Fall harvest before she was
too many months pregnant, and she would usually give birth to her first
child in the early spring of the following year.� Thus, she would also have
enough time to recover to assist in the next year's harvest as well.
Regardless of when marriage occurs, whether it is in June or another month,
the marriage relationship according to God is sacred.� He declared that
"marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be
undefiled..." (Hebrews 13:4).� In our day of throw-away marriages, let's be
people who hold marriage in high esteem and respect.