Sunday, April 27, 2025
For the Lord sees clearly what a man does, examining every path he takes.
When I was a boy, some of the churches I attended sang an old song about an unseen eye watching all we do. In the chorus, we sang, "There's an all-seeing Eye watching you — watching you!" At such a tender age, that line caused great fear. I felt that God would see and get me if I messed up at anything, large or small!
In our proverb today, Solomon did want us to be aware that God does know all we do — a sobering message whether we are young or old! Jesus also emphasized that everything we do, in public and private, will one day be made known because God knows it and will reveal it. [1] The Lord also emphasized that each of us will have to give an account for every idle word we speak, so we should be careful with our words. [2] What we think, do, and say, all matter to God, and we will one day give an account to Him for how our lives have honored or dishonored Him. [3]
However, the point of passages like these should not be threatening. God hearing us, knowing our circumstances, and acting to deliver us should encourage us. God heard the Israelites when they were under Egyptian bondage, and then worked mightily to liberate them through Moses. [4] God knows what's on our hearts and the problems impacting our lives and wants to hear from us. [5] When Jesus said that God knows our private words and thoughts, He was stressing the Father's loving concern for us. Since God cares for the small animals in our world and knows their fates, how much more will He care personally and individually for us, His children? [6] Plus, God promised He would not forget our good deeds, kindnesses, and faithfulness, especially in times of threat, persecution, and trial. [7]
Today's verse on relationships talks about God seeing and examining all of our steps. It focuses on our most important relationship with our heavenly Father! God watches over us and knows what we do. He is aware of every good and bad thing we do. However, God's desire is not to catch us doing something wrong and condemn us but to call us back to our Father in heaven so that we can find life. [8] This Father cares for us, and He has proved that loving care, faithfully. [9] So, dear friend in Jesus, let's hear Solomon's words as a reminder and a promise, a warning, and an assurance. God is present in us and knows us. Our lives matter to Him. Our Father works within us to do His good, gracious, and loving will. [10] He asks that we reflect His righteous character, gracious compassion, and faithful justice demonstrated in Jesus. He has given us the Holy Spirit to accomplish our transformation [11] and help us as we speak to others and speak to Him. [12] So, yes, dear friend in Jesus, God hears, sees, and knows what you are doing and saying. Don't see this as a threat, but as a reminder that you matter to your Father in heaven!
O Father, thank You for loving me and not only allowing but also wanting me to pray to You, even though You know my sins, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and struggles. I ask, dear Father, that You please forgive my sins. Please, Father, strengthen me in the areas of my life where I am weak and vulnerable to Satan's attacks and temptations. Guide me, O Eternal Lord, and transform me by Your power at work within me to become more like Jesus each day. In Jesus' mighty name, I pray. Amen.
Together in Christ is a daily devotional that focuses on what Scripture teaches about godly living in relationships.
'Together in Christ' is written by Phil Ware.
Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007, 2013, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
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